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Absolutely agree with you Malc. A totally disproportionate response to a guy who was always going to commit suicide when found. In the old days a hand full of coppers would have patiently handled it and tried to talk him out of it. Compare and contrast the Sun Inn Murders. And, for all the so-called specialists, highly-paid experts, and endless "assessments" we have these days, they still let a suicidal revenge-seeker out of clink!

I can't believe you are serious about kids playing games around the street corner Vic. Fingerprints and DNA samples - how dumb is that? A complete lack of common sense reigns these days. The UK kids you are referring to were likely killed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time or by accidents with parents legally held weapons that weren't properly secured; they didn't get killed playing kids games.

Here's another little tale of Northumbria Police: Guy doing our garden comes to me in obvious shock. "I'm being been shot at!". You can't be serious, says an almost unbelieving me. He opens his hand and shows me a couple of .22 pellets he'd picked up off the concrete path. Have you been hit? "Yes, here and here". I immediately go and ring Northumbria Police to report this. Nothing more happens. Later we ring to ask what's happening. Put in touch with a junior copper who reluctantly tells us that he's looked into it, but he daren't take the matter further as the guy who was firing the gun was a relation of his police sergeant, and so it would be best to let the matter rest!

In all my years experience this is on far too many occasions a most unprofessional police force. I believe the reason for this is near total lack of accountability at the local level.


Wahey, look at the 'war face' on the tazer toting dibble. Sadly it was going to be the conclusion to this whole episode. Any young Bedlingtonian take note, Steroids make your willy shrivel and make you sprout ginger hair so keep away from them. Big man though he was, he wasn't big enough to stand before his peers and pay for his crimes.... Coward.



Wouldn't the whole exercise be classed as extra costs? Wouldn't those officers have been doing their jobs elsewhere or were the 100's of coppers there not really needed elsewhere and if that's the case easy to see where the cuts will be made! In terms of manpower and equipment that cost will be huge and picked up by the tax payers.

Tommy was a self-obsessed and mentally unbalanced body-builder with all the usual form: multiple arrests for weapons ownership and common assault, bouncer at various clubs, insanely jealous of other men and so forth. He had just done 18 weeks for assault and all that had done was heighten his hatred of his ex and her new partner. No doubt someone inside thought it a jolly jape to tell him a local copper was seeing to his ex…………… He then gets out and his mates give him firearms, what the hell did they think he was going to do! The prison service then phoned around telling the constabulary that they had just released a nutter! Maybe they should have done that BEFORE they released him or better still kept him inside under medication!

The whole system has been taken out of the hands of normal people with common sense and that's the problem with so many of our institutions!

American children are more at risk from firearms than the children of any other industrialized nation. In one year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5,285 in the United States.

'Most of the 42 gun-related deaths last year took place in London, the West Midlands, Manchester or Merseyside, with swathes of the country recording no homicides, suicides or accidental deaths from firearms. One third of the victims were younger than 21 and four of them were female.'

(Independent last year.)

It would seem to suggest less than 14 under 21yr olds were killed?


3G, I don't know how the children are being killed with guns but just the fact that they are is disturbing, too many guns and not enough controls, laws need changing! my experience with Mr. Plod have normally been ok it is when the "senior" officers get involved or "policy states" it goes wrong!

Malcolm, You have a valid point but as I said I don't know how many were involved, most police are not performing critical duties but are out doing routine jobs, surely these would be used in this situation and not necessarily replaced.

Mental illness is not very often recognized in criminals, but is quite obviously the cause of their offences, again I believe the laws need changing, not all mental cases need locking away in institutions but treatment and controls can safeguard the public. Sounds like this guy should not have been released, but where should he have been kept? and how many others should be detained and for how long? I don't have those answers!


Who the hell was that stand in SUPER she was more ugly than Thatchers dummy on Spitting Image! In fact I thought they'd fetched Thatcher out of retirement :lol: As for costs Malcolm she really looked like she pounded the beat in her long quest for promotion....NOT. Fast Tracked nobodies with not one IOTA of nouse about the job they are supposed to be doing, she's been as near to a criminal as Gazza has been to a soft drink.

Her wages alone would probably cover the cost of the whole operation.....a face transplant in her case :lol: :lol: :lol:



I think we are really talking about quite specialist officers here. I didn't know the police had snipers, what's that all about? Most of the coppers we saw were dressed head to foot in black combats and all carrying rifles. There were units there from across the country, Yorkshire being mentioned and that would seem reasonable, but Cheshire? Looking at the parked up metal, there seemed to be every shape and size of vehicle, it was a wonder Rothbury could accommodate them! As for the plods does it really take half a dozen to police a plastic tape going across the road? We even saw a shift change after a few hours.

I am not anti-cop, I think by and large they do a job most wouldn't really want to do and I think they deserve to be paid accordingly, as with the other emergency services. The problem I do have is that we have given them special powers to police the laws we lay down for ourselves, not make them up on the hoof, not adapt them to suit, not instigate new ones, just uphold our laws unilaterally with a modicum of common sense. We have invested a lot into each one and it grieves me when I see groups standing around 'guarding' plastic lines after the event!

As for the acting Chief, I think we have to remember she has risen to this position in what has been described as a fundamentally racist and sexist organisation so there is more to her than meets the eye!

Latest news is that police are to be questioned about the multiple use of Tasers in the final stages of this event. It's a wonder the guy could pull the trigger?

No doubt Teresa 'the shoes' May will come on TV applauding the efforts made but if we had some real changes to the way the system works maybe dangerous criminals wouldn't be given their freedom. If Ken Clark gets his way Tommy probably wouldn't have even been inside on the assault charge! As for the 'answers, about what should be done, we have just had an election where the people making the laws said they had them!!!!!!!!


Though he might 'av stopped off for a Wonky kebab at Kings :lol: :lol:

nah mate !! if hed had a kings kebab, he wouldnt have been able to get that fat !*!@# up that drainpipe..

lmao..wonky.post-2236-048760300 1278963503_thumb.jpg

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Who the hell was that stand in SUPER she was more ugly than Thatchers dummy on Spitting Image! In fact I thought they'd fetched Thatcher out of retirement :lol: As for costs Malcolm she really looked like she pounded the beat in her long quest for promotion....NOT. Fast Tracked nobodies with not one IOTA of nouse about the job they are supposed to be doing, she's been as near to a criminal as Gazza has been to a soft drink.

Her wages alone would probably cover the cost of the whole operation.....a face transplant in her case :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bliddy briliant that, :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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In one recording made by Moat in August 2009 of a meeting, attended by a social worker, the gunman said: "I would like to have a psychiatrist, psychologist, have a word with me regularly, on a regular basis, to see if there's somewhere underlying like where I have problem that I haven't seen.

"Why don't we just have a psychiatrist sit me down and say 'Right OK, I want to see you regularly, then we can move towards where your areas of fault are, we can enhance on these areas you know, and work with us'.

"If I'm at fault myself in any way, I'm open to all kinds of suggestions, but I refuse to spend the rest of my time fighting with social services."

Apparently not the only time he'd asked for help and was refused. That £4M would have paid for a lot of help, and lives would not have been lost. Some similarities with the Derrick Bird shootings here. A guy who couldn't cope by himself being put-upon and ignored.

It seems that social services were completely hung-up on "protecting" the kids, and failed to see the broader picture.


nah mate !! if hed had a kings kebab, he wouldnt have been able to get that fat !*!@# up that drainpipe..

lmao..wonky.post-2236-048760300 1278963503_thumb.jpg

I still think she looks like "Alice" off The Vicar of Dibley

  • 4 weeks later...

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