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The Sunn Inn murder artefacts are up for sale for a collector.

Its 100 years next year. Murders letters, photographs, Sgt Barton truncheon, 2 different sets handcuffs, And more.

Been bid £500 but the collector lives in Cornwall. Havenot excepted the offer as yet. However, nice to keep them in this area.

Interested ?

call our group phone on: 07850465009

A piece of rare history up for you here.


Why don't we see if we can get a collection together and perhaps have them displayed in the Sun itself?


While I agree it is macabre it is also a famous part of Bedlington history. History cannot be airbrushed, and the murders have become part of local legend. I did think the police had them on display at one time - perhaps John can shed some light on that?


While I agree it is macabre it is also a famous part of Bedlington history. History cannot be airbrushed, and the murders have become part of local legend. I did think the police had them on display at one time - perhaps John can shed some light on that?

I'm not totally against displaying them in the Sun Inn, there are many pubs, hotels and coaching inns up and down the country that benefit from their murky pasts. You are right in saying the infamous Sun Inn murders / murderers should not be forgotten and they are part of Bedlingtons long history. These artefacts should remain in Bedlington and be displayed as a reminder of the tragic events of that day almost 100 years ago. Merc your suggestion of having a collection to keep them here is not a bad one at all, why dont we see if we, as a community, can raise the money to buy these perhaps John could shed a bit of light on how much would be required to purchase these then it can be decided on how best to display them. A display similar to the Dirty Bottles in Alnwick could be possible (if suitably secure). May be we could display them in Bedlingtons very own Sports and Community Centre !!! (AHEM)

Sorry cannot agree with this one,

these "artefacts" should be destroyed.I don't want Bedlington to be remembered for murdering Policemen.

Foxy, I also fully understand where you are coming from as well. Displayed in the right way these items of the Sun Inn murders could be viewed as part of a memorial to those who were killed, rather than turning the tragedy into a macabre gimmick.

While I agree it is macabre it is also a famous part of Bedlington history. History cannot be airbrushed, and the murders have become part of local legend. I did think the police had them on display at one time - perhaps John can shed some light on that?

no they never had the, a lass from blyth had them, her husband was a builderr and cleaning the old office out came across them. they were to be skipped. we gave her £1000 so we could get an insight into jockers mind at the time. he was troubled and the letter proove it. his wife was planning to leave him with another man long before the murders. the letters explain part of that. could she have been salting the money away without his knowledge ? she left bedlington with her sons and her man friend. sadly returned a few years later, without her sons, landed in bedlington workhouse and died there.

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