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Olympic Jip.


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Who's with me in demanding that Paula Ratcliffe hands the money back?

I just knew that skinny waste of time and money would pull-up lame before/during the marathon and complain it was an old injury (watch-out for her Xmas book How London Went Wrong for Me But All That Lottery Funding Helped). Another one is that invisible hop, skip and jump guy.

Elite athletes my a.r.s.e. Tons of lottery funding trousered; what a scam!

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I admit I haven't seen the badmington farce but how on earth can you tell if someone is cheating at it? It's arguably one of the most boring games I've ever watched or tried to play. Watching paint dry is more exciting. In fact they should replace it with Olympic tiddly-wnks or pottsies.

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...how on earth can you tell if someone is cheating at it?...

This is relatively easy (at least in the one without the 'g' I used to play ;) ): you count the number of times the shuttlemebob goes back without landing on the ground. Sometimes even I could manage more than four times against a modestly good player. World class players should be able to manage a tiny bit more than four max!

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This is relatively easy (at least in the one without the 'g' I used to play ;) ): you count the number of times the shuttlemebob goes back without landing on the ground. Sometimes even I could manage more than four times against a modestly good player. World class players should be able to manage a tiny bit more than four max!

Yeah, I noticed the spelling mistake after I had posted it. DOH! I never saw the games / matches whatever but my bro says it was blatantly obvious. But I would still rather watch paint dry or play muggies.

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Its the economic benefits the Games bring....................


How many (unaffordable) Community Centre centuries would the cost work out to? Can anyone do the maths?

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Ah ... my specialist subject. Just popped in here for a few moments so not enough time at present to work on something meaningful; I'll spend the rest of the day (maybe the whole weekend) working myself up about that whole gang of spongers and will report back ... I promise!

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