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Memories of the films I saw in Bedlington are too many to mention.

Having just been to see Django Unchained at the Tyneside Cinema I am very happy to remember the tanner rush at the station and many many cowboy films

Tarantino has paid homage to Mel Brooks and the whole 'genre'! With touches of Pulp Fiction!


How about 'The Queens' in Newcastle.

Remember seeing Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments. Not together, but it was the only time we got my Dad to the pictures.

Then there was Life of Brian at a cinema in the Haymarket. The controversy was quite something.

What a shame the big cinema on Northumberland Street is no more!

Does it become Pilgrim Street?


Palace in Bedlington Station 1963 watching It's a Mad, Mad World. The projectionist put-up one of those slides telling us that JFK had been shot ... so the phrase "you'll always remember where you were when he was topped" is true.

Posted (edited)

The Wallaw, Bedlington - Jason and the Argonauts & Zulu. Then straight to Wales's chip shop for some fish and chips.

Edited by keith lockey

On the night Kennedy was shot there was a Welwyn do at The Spanish City ballroom.

The news came through as we got off the bus.

I can even remember what I was wearing!


Yep for six weeks in the labs.

If I worked overtime, I still only got the same pocket money. Moan Groan!

Going on my board was a major problem.

Happy Days!

And you tell the kids now and they don't believe you! Quoting Monty Python!


Did you ever meet Millie Henderson at the Welwyn, she was my Aunt and lived on Vulcan place next to the Whitley and the sweet shop?


On the night Kennedy was shot there was a Welwyn do at The Spanish City ballroom.

The news came through as we got off the bus.

I can even remember what I was wearing!

Maggie, I was on the bus outside the Clayton pub on my way to that Welwyn do at Witley Bay, the driver had the radio on and came throuth that Kennedy had been assainated, must have been about seven o'clock Friday night if I remember right,


Can anyone remember my Aunt Vinnie Rowell she worked at the Welwyn for years ?


My memory is not that good and it is such a long time ago. If your Aunt was there she would remember me.

My family connections have always made it easy to pick up any conversation with anyone anywhere in the World.

Pete you were there at the Empress ballroom, what a shame the Spanish City is not the place it was.

We have friends in Canterbury who keep meeting people from Bedlington.

One guy working at Tescos in Lewisham went to school with me and on another occasion they were in the Maldives and chatting Bedlington with some local farmers.

One son plays football locally and hates the idea of anyone finding out he was not born in the NE.

Maybe it is in the Genes!

You can take me out of Bedlington but you can't stop me being a flag waving Terrier and Geordie.

Many people would chose a bomb, possibly to send me back, when I am away.

It was a very happy time, working at the Welwyn, they just did not pay that much.

I had gone to Morpeth grammar after Westridge but decided that making money was a better idea.

Studying later with small children was not for the faint hearted.


Maggie, are your freinds in Canterbury the Bowmans, they are my best freinds and we skype all the time

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