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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, now we know!

Fritz the Pope mixed-up in the recent Vatican sex scandal ... and not one just involving boys but, and this is the hard one to believe, naughty nuns.

Then there's the tale in the papers this week of the Fritz's top man in Jockoland allegedly being naughty with young priests.

How prophetic my Operation Yewtree crack now appears.

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For a deity that "knows all, sees all” and has "divine retribution” been asleep on the job here God?

Looks like it could be financial corruption throughout the organisation incestuously linked with questionable sexual deviancy. Doubt we will ever get the full and real truth.

So we will soon have two very separate "direct” descendants from St Peter, or Popes, as head of the church? Someone will write a sit com about this stuff.

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He might be the Pope and infallible, but I've never entirely bought the story that he sat in the seat, but never pressed the fire button. ;) Maybe he only just remembered something? Or more likely this time around he sat in the seat, but never pressed the fire button - and should have!?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

He's in trouble already! :o Skeletons in cupboard regarding the five hundred plus stolen babies around about the time of the Falklands War. Has selective amnesia about what happened when relatives asked him for help at the time. His signature has been found on a letter proving he had knowledge of the matter, though he stood up in court later on and said he didn't know what was going on. Not intervening in the circumstances is excusable - several priests who did were bumped off by the millitary. But, it rather looks like he may have been caught out in a porkie! Certainly some Argentinian woman is claiming he's not fit for the job.


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