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Stare Into The Light My Pretties!

Malcolm Robinson

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I got rid of the goggle box three years ago - mainly because of the mass dross that was being put out - Big Brother, Celebrity this and that. It's like ancient Rome and the arena - give them bread and circuses. People are being brainwashed with TV. You pay you £240 whatsit licence to watch what other people want you to watch. Oh you have a choice of channels but sh*t is sh*t is sh*t no matter what colour. It is mindblowing what most people sit and watch - just because it is on. GET A LIFE!!!

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Keith I admire your stance. Are you brilliant at Scrabble or are you missing out on loads of new words? Not from reality crap, I can honestly say watched 5 mins of the first to see what it was and never again. I do my own 'get me out of here', log on to Bedlington web site whilst wife watches soaps!

Never mind it's Friday and that's when the world gets put to right, again, over a pint of Dog Bolter or Abott.

Game of Thrones - is that where you have to make up your own interpretation. I prefer 2 + 2 = 4, the end.

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