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Hello everyone,

As you all know I have pushed the Town Council about a Miner's Memorial for Bedlington due to the public (most of you on this website) asking for one and here is the update:

West Bedlington Town Council support a Miner's Memorial however due to other commitments and precept the town council will not organize or supply/pay for one.

So what happens now?

If anyone would like to start a working group to look at providing a Miners Memorial for Bedlington, please PM me and we can look at starting one up and getting things going.

(Note: This is and will not be political!)

The miners and pits should be remembered for what they did for this country.


Hello everyone,

As you all know I have pushed the Town Council about a Miner's Memorial for Bedlington due to the public (most of you on this website) asking for one and here is the update:

West Bedlington Town Council support a Miner's Memorial however due to other commitments and precept the town council will not organize or supply/pay for one.

So what happens now?

If anyone would like to start a working group to look at providing a Miners Memorial for Bedlington, please PM me and we can look at starting one up and getting things going.

(Note: This is and will not be political!)

The miners and pits should be remembered for what they did for this country.

But they will allow you to erect a memorial if you find the Money?


Good point Canny Lass, I think the first and most important point would to get the cooncil to approve in principal to having an approved Miner's Memorial located in the Market Square area! not down in some remote park or un-monitored area as it would be a pity to have it vandalized!

The location may also have a bearing on the design!


This is why we need a working group on it.( People who want to see it like me)

I would not think the county council could/would refuse it as it is a memorial and new planning regs may mean it does not need planning permission only thing you would need is permission off the council for it to be erected on council land.

But the first thing we need is a group made up so we can speak about design, location, funding, etc.

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