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Is this a shot in the arm for the Bedlington terrier Guinness World record attempt?

Is Mr Richardson a member of the Bedlington Terrier fb groupand will he and Izzi be doing the record attemp?

Is the Evening Chronical covering the Guinness world record attempt?


Bedlington - Bedlington - Bedlington - here we go.


no,, but it's well EWEsed....


Indeed Keith, they'll FLEECE you


I heard people are FLOCKing to see these.......


Thursday morning 10.00am press call at the seat behind the cop shop at the Hassop Way entrance to Gallagher Park.  


Craig and Izzi (Crufts winner) will be cutting the ribbon and I hope plenty of press will turn up too!  


Please come and lend your support too... 


I was at Crufts with a group of friends, supporting three of our mutual friends. A couple of friends were competing in a flyball team (and another friend was showing but came nowhere). During the flyball all of the dogs were crammed in together waiting to compete and a fight started. It was a really bad fight between two Collies, they were finally separated and taken out of sight and the commentator announced that both of the dogs were fine and not to worry about them, but they had been withdrawn from the competition because they were too excited.


My friends in the flyball team who were behind the scenes said it wasn't true! - both dogs had actually been rushed to the vets. They have both actually said they will never return to Crufts because Crufts jam the dogs in.

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