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School Transport

Malcolm Robinson

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Not that I fully understand all the ins and outs of the subject but I would agree with the cuts, as long as it doesn't  affects special needs students that have to travel to get an education.

As for those students, whether influenced by parents or their own choice, who choose to travel on public transport then champion.

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One statement I can never get over is "those from low-income backgrounds"

How is that line drawn?

Is it if your parents have less then £10,000 a year income?

I read an interesting thing about this very subject:


Simon Cowell will not give his son a penny and he is a multi millionaire.

It does not matter how poor or rich your parents are, it does not say they will give their children money to get a bus or further your education.

And with youth Unemployment up so high how are the children meant to get the money?

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One of the biggest problems I've EVER come across is transport costs. Be it for work, job interviews, education (ie evening classes to get further qualifications), or going out of town to buy things that you can't obtain locally - like SHOES, etc. It costs £26.50 for a weekly pass on Arriva - £5.70 for a two-zone all day ticket (Bedlington-Blyth) and if you are on JSA that is a lot of money out of your dole if you have to do it on a regular basis. And I can't see prices coming down or any concessions being made. END OF RANT!!

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"Simon Cowell will not give his son a penny and he is a multi millionaire."


Adam, with respect, that's not what he actually said: he said his kid will not inherit his fortune. He didn't say he won't pay his bus fares and nor did it say he won't pay for his education, etc. The lad will be party to plenty of Mr Cowell's money across the years.


On the subject, I'm not sure how to see it. Keith's right, transport is an expense and, for job seekers and many others, an essential one. Whether concessions should extend to children over 16 I'm not sure.

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Oh, forgot to add, Mr Cowell going on about 'work ethic' is a bit rich, when myriad kids today believe that they, too, can get rich quick by becoming a pop star on a TV talent contest. Who is it that's behind that, I wonder?

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