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Miliband Warned That Cosy Duopoly Under Threat!


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Word on the street has it that Miliband has recently been warned by advisers that UKIP now presents a serious threat to Labour in places they previously considered safe as a rock.  This is interesting because they've previously applied the one-trick-pony label to UKIP electoral success. Labels are something Labour excels at because they are a substitute for thought, and if Labour voters actually started thinking, well...


I think the "should not be taken for granted" words have been applied, so maybe they've been reading bedlington.co.uk? ;)  First Cameron is pushed into an complete about think, now it seems Labour is catching the drift that people are fed up with London-centric, wealth consuming, lefty liberal mob that spins and manipulates its way to six figure salaries for achieving nothing, and doing precisely nowt!


If you have read some of the recent exposés on consultancy fees, believe me that's just the tip of the iceberg where "our betters" are concerned.  The profligacy and waste of the Labour years has only been tinkered with, and the foreign aid budget remains a major public scandal when communities like ours are being starved of resources.  That's not to mention the huge net sums of our money which go to the EU to prop up that even more ghastly temple to privilege and profligacy.


What will Miliband actually do?  Well, in reality BA, but I'd expect we are in for some whistle-stop tours to show he really really cares, honest he does!  Pondering on what he actually cares about I will leave as an exercise for the reader.

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