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A number of reports this week are suggesting that fatties should be banned by the NHS from having operations.  What do you all think?


Should they also be barred from flying on commercial flights unless they pay for two seats;  ditto, trains and buses?


Should pies be licensed and only be available to thin folks?




The thing is the goverment are brainwashing the public in the end the most expensive thing to the nhs is old age,that's why do Gooders

Should let people enjoy themselves smoke loads drink loads eat loads that would save the goverment loads of money & people would be able to leave there inheritance to there children there even trying to stop there goverment allowances cos they have saved a pension rather than spunking it ..saying there well of for been sensible load of bo*****s

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Posted (edited)

Perhaps the old folks should get preferential treatment from the NHS having probably forked-out their dues over a long lifetime.  I'm not so sure the jelly wobblers should be able to jump roll to the head of the queue for operations without being forced to have layers of blubber reduced by being force fed greens.  Ditto, the puffers ... no snouts for 6 months before getting to see the cutter.  By all means let them all eat sacks of pies and puff cartons of fags but why should they then be allowed to snaffle precious resources?

Edited by Symptoms

They still pay there national insurance same as you its for everybody not selective treatment if I had been sixteen again & given the option of paying national insurance or doing things privately I would have done the later full medical cover, retired & much better off

But that's what you have to do...wheather you agree or disagree with the way people lead there life it's there business not anybody else's otherwise the country will fast become a nanny state & the grizzlers doing the governments jobs for them,instead of worrying about there own life..

Tonyp, Symptoms, There is a lot of merit for both systems but not everyone in lucky to have good health all their working life (I have been quite lucky!) not all poor health is self inflicted! Heredity, FAS, ADHD, accidents etc. How could we separate them? Fact, the rich will always be at the front! is it fair? shortens the line a bit...


If you could sort out the malingerers, leaches, etc from the system I think most health services would be quite successful, Q. where would drunks and drug addicts fit in the scale along with obese and smokers?

In the past we were nearly all skinny post war babies.

Clothes could make us chunky.

Vests, so called Liberty bodices plus many layers.

Food was often based on pulse vegetables and not a lot of meat.

Now things are different .

Kids and adults may need more exercise.

Fast food and sweet treats are plentiful.

The number of people involved in Sport or Gym membership seems on the increase.

Dancing as a way to keep fit is one way.

There will always be people who prefer to do things differently.

Maybe we need to support rather than criticise.

Weight increase can stem from a system of the body failing.


My gripe is with those folk who intentially make themselves fat by consuming all the pies;  why should they suck-up a disproportionate amount of funding because of their vice?


My gripe is with those folk who intentially make themselves fat by consuming all the pies;  why should they suck-up a disproportionate amount of funding because of their vice?

Pies pies whats wrong with pies they are healthy for you arn't they :icecream:


Truth of the matter is that there is far too much food readily available to all and sundry that is patently unhealthy for consumption. Sensible folk eat sensible food and hopefully live longer. And please don't reply by saying that it is only the better off in society that can afford healthy food - we all know this is a load of 'tosh' - even the poorer off people can still eat a healthy diet and even more so if they cut out the 'fags' and spend the money saved on food.


All I'm saying its people's choice if there paying nationa INSURANCE there entitled to same treatment as somebody who eats lettuce leaves I thought that's what insurance means you pay a premium if something goes wrong with you your entitled to use it."Maybee when Sym went to uni,he was told insurance meant something else"! LOL...


Caution is to be highly recommended when considering overweight people for surgery. The risk of coronary thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and post-op complications increase by a staggering 75% for overweight people. Should it be banned? - No. Should they be advised to lose some weight Before surgery? - Yes. It's for their own safety.


They shouldn't be banned from flying either but if they use 2 seats - which I've seen happen - then they should pay for 2 seats and not lift the arm rest and use half of the seat belonging to the next person, which I've previously suffered on a five hour flight.


Something that annoys me even more is when I, at 58 kg wet through, am charged at the check-in desk for 2½ kilos overweight while the man in front of me in the queue weighed at least 140 kg. His luggage wasn't overweight so there was no extra charge for him.


Luggage is luggage isn't it,I'm I missing something here!!!!!! That's another rule set by an airline company haven't seen the rule lighter you are the more luggage you can take.....


' "Maybee when Sym went to uni,he was told insurance meant something else"! LOL... '    Poo! and more Poo!   Anyway, insurance can only ever be about risk management.  Those who only fill-up their supermarket trolleys with piles of TV dinners, white bread, crisps, cakes, biscuits, pies, sugar, snouts, pop, etc. maybe should take some responsibilty for their own health before leaning on the rest of us.


By broadly agreeing with wise Sym Canny (as usual ) writes sagely.  My contention is that those who abuse themselves by gorging at the trough should be required to get down to an acceptable BMI before unfairly snaffling a disproportionate amount of NHS resources.  Nowhere have I said they shouldn't ever get treatment.  Ditto travel, ditto puffers.


Of course, the Government could, at a stroke, go some way to fixing the problem.  They could legislate for a draconian reduction in harmful ingredients in our scoff but they won't because they're (Tory & Labour) in hock to BigSugar, BigSalt, BigFat, BigBakky, BigBooze.


Sym would be INTRESTING to see what you eat maybee we could learn something from you lol


"if there paying nationa INSURANCE there entitled to same treatment as somebody who eats lettuce leaves"


An interesting debate, this. While not advocating that overweight people should be denied treatment, seats, pies or whatever, I do think the above comment misses something (with due respect - of course, we are all entitled to our opinions).


Insurance, whether it's NI or otherwise, is a precautionary purchase; it's there in case you need it, not to be brought into play by choice. You don't insure your car then deliberately crash it, safe in the knowledge that you are insured; why, then, should it be considered acceptable for someone to insure their health - as in the case of NI (although that's not all it covers, of course) and then act in a negligent fashion by overeating, smoking, drinking, etc, safe in the knowledge that 'hey it's ok I'm covered'? Now, don't get me wrong here - I'm expecting some reactionary comments - as those who know me know very well that I enjoy a few beers; however, if that led to illness and the powers that be said 'sorry mate, it's your fault, no deal' just as they would if I were to act negligently behind the wheel of a car and cause an accident then I would fully understand. I'm all for freedom of actions - even as a non-smoker I think the smoking ban an abhorrent abuse of rights - but insurance is not to be abused. For the record, I like pies.


Mercuryg some of what your saying is true,national insurance isn't an option its forced on you,I didn't want to pay it & still do I find that

Wrong the whole system the goverment have hammered the smokers the beer drinkers the macdonald pie eaters all with the help

of the dogooders who read s*** spill that comes from the newspapers. Next it will be the old age pensioners that will get it next..

There going to stop the wheather payments for the well off pensioners,what they mean is you have a private pension so you are well off

Mmm & in the next breath there trying to promote private pensions & still pay NI.. & when you've got nobody to care for you they'll

Ship you off into residential care & sell your house for you keep that's what you get for potentially 50years NI payments,that's why I

Believe people should a first class service for premium payments into the goverment coffers...I'm off now to get 2 quarter pounders,

Washed doon with 1/2dozen guinnesses then on the way home I'm going to smoke a whole king Edward cigar yummy


How about a Don Lynn's pie with lots of veg and gravy.

Who could possibly argue with that !

Followed by Sly / Fly Cake maybe a little ice cream or custard..

In these cold days extra calories needed.




I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say; as I said, I enjoy a pint or three - it's my vice, I work for my money, and so on. I note your mention of private pensions: I have, in the past, paid into two company pension schemes, both for a few years. The first was in my very first job, when I was in my late teens (full time job, that is) and I joined a printing company. The pension scheme was excellent, so naturally I signed up, and paid into it for five years, with the company topping it up. Great: some money for the future! Except that company was part of a group owned by a certain Mr Robert Maxwell.......


Mercuryg made I've made stupid mistakes in my past but I have had private pension scheme since I was 16 looking forward to spending

It starting next year going to take the25% lumper with a liveable pension for me best thing I did at the time my mates thought I was mad

By the way genuinely sorry what happened to you...


Mercuryg made I've made stupid mistakes in my past but I have had private pension scheme since I was 16 looking forward to spending

It starting next year going to take the25% lumper with a liveable pension for me best thing I did at the time my mates thought I was mad

By the way genuinely sorry what happened to you...


Good for you, and a sensible choice! No probs about the Maxwell thing - I've done a calculation and it would have been pretty much worthless by the time I got my hands on it anyway!

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