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Nice one Sym!

Well , Merc,it seems that disregarding our sources of info,we are on the same plane,which I am pleased aboot,cos there was me thinking we were ganna be at gods.... a mean odds...wi each otha heor!!

I agree wi ya sentiment aboot military projects fully,and can cite a case for either that,or a genuine visitor.

My Neice,[whose Dad just gave Malcolm and Foxy a disc of old photo's a few days ago,and who shall remain nameless!],was outside star-spotting,one night, a couple of years ago.[maybe a bit more than that,but fairly recently anyway...].

She was sensibly shining a laser pointer at particular places in the dark sky,after making sure there were no aircraft in the vicinity.

[i know.....!....AWACS and all that,you are never gonna see them!]

Anyway,she heard a faint whirring sound,which got progressively louder,and seemed to be directly behind her,but above her.

As she turned to see where the sound was coming from,she was met with the sight of the strangest-looking craft that was hovering quite still ,just above the roof-tops,it seemed.

It was V-shaped,without fuselage or tail-plane,had a row of lights around the front edge,and underneath,and as she looked,it quietly turned on it's axis and slid away out of sight in a few seconds.

I forgot to add that the laser pointer was of the 20 mile range type!!

She ran inside screaming for her Husband,who was in bed,as this took place in the early hours of the morning.

He came down and tried to calm her down,as she was hysterical.

She persuaded him to go back outside with her to see if the object would return...it didn't.

She has been on a personal mission every clear night we have had since that night,as she wants to prove to others that she wasn't dreaming,or on glue....etc.

There is an official report on the website which deals with UFO sightings,along with a sketch which she did,to try and give an impression of what she saw.

Now she saw something,no doubt about that,cos her friend also saw the lights at the same time,but not  the craft,at the other side of the estate.

Was it a secret military prototype stealth craft?....maybe so,but no positive proof.[the mod aren't gonna come oot and tell us ,are they?!

Now,Merc,what proof do we have about Daniken?...you only read articles about him,presumably.......who wrote them?

How do we know what is truth,and what is not truth?

Many years ago,when I was very young,so young that my name couldn't be printed,a report went into the Ashington Post,about me being fined for an

airgun offence,along with my brother,[a petty and false prosecution by a young police recruit in Bedlington].

There were lines of "evidence",and statements I was supposed to have said to the cop,when he booked us in the Bedlington woods,far away from the

public highway,i.e.the main road.[we were doing no wrong,but he trumped up charges,and they stuck]

When my Parents saw the paper,they went daft,and at 12 years old I formed the opinion that you can't believe what you read,cos this was all lies about my Brother and me.

Later in life,aged 19 years,same thing happened,a motorbike "offence"[again trumped by a young cop],and fined.

Lies printed in the paper again,disgracing me,but me now at an age,where I didn't care a chut,cos I knew I was telling the truth,and the cop was bent.


I think,[returning to the subject!!],that it is arrogance of the human race to suppose that we are the only beings in the universe,and time will tell!!

My favourite topic,........The Pyramids,and all the statues on Easter Island,as well all the other giant temples,and ruins around the planet!!

Do you really believe they used thirty thousand slaves to pull 200-ton stone blocks up the stone hill on pit props,for rollers?

Have you ever watched thirty thousand fans pouring out of a football ground,after the match?

Where the hell would the engineers put the men when they got to the top?

...and how come we were on the planet for thousands of years,as cavemen,etc,then overnight,[in the earth's timeline],we suddenly had Engineers,

Astronomers,Builders,Craftsmen of all descriptions,technology 4000 years ago.....!

One day,Jehovah's knocked at my door,as I was about to go out.

I apologised for being unable to give them a little of my time,and told them I believed the same as them,that Jesus was a top bloke.

They were pleased,until I said yeah,I also think that he was a visitor from another planet!

They gasped in surprise and said they hadn't heard that opinion before!

I got on about the wonder's of the world,and mentioned the lines in Peru.

The young girl,about 18 years old,said she had been there,and seen them.

I said you need to go up the mountains to see them in their entirety,and she said that the guide had taken them up,and it was truly amazing.

I said how long ago was it when they were laid down......she replied..."2000 years ago"

I said how long is it since Jesus walked the earth..."2000 years"......

I said,it makes you think,doesn't it?

She replied..."Yes,it DOES make you think.."

I thought,it's a pity I have to go out,cos I have nearly got this young lass straying from her belief,here noo!!


Keep a haad lads!!

Posted (edited)

Doggy waiting patienly,but had ti put this down or I will forget....!!

All the Bible teachings which I had from school,as a child,and from an ex-catholic Mother,never did me any wrong,and did,in fact provide me with a set of morals and principals to set my standards by.

The ten commandments need not have been Bible-orientated,they are good,sound,principles......

Do any kids these days even know what the commandments are?....have they heard of them?

If we,as kids,said..."I swear on my Mother's death.....",the others could take it as sacrosanct,that we were telling the truth about whatever it was we were being questioned about.

Now I know that's nowt ti dae wi religion,but it is a belief in the truth,which WAS instilled into us through religious means.[...."tell a lie and ye'll gaan doon ti the divil mind...."]!

Sorry little black Jess.......aam comin'......[poor little pooch is crossin' her legs!]


I think -- now don't all laugh at that...

the Orwell view of 'god' being the 'all pervading personality' is a rather nice definition.

its only man that differentiates between what they perceive as what 'their' god wants ((and of course their god can be the only true god (deliberate use of lower case there)) - and ergo - everyone else is wrong..

it was once said - when we know everything and can control everything - then we are gods, until then we need god .... 

Wilma - the commandments are wonderful example of how to survive in a growing world -- obey them and you wont annoy anyone else that might come over and give you a good smacking!!

I do like the old testament - much maligned these days - but it contains many 'race' memories - Cain and Abel - Esau and the mess of pottage - it - to me - tells the change of the hunter/gatherer culture to the arable which means it is much much further back in time than we credit it.

Posted (edited)

"Merc,what proof do we have about Daniken?."


Well, HPW, quite a lot! The man himself has admitted in various interviews that some of his 'facts' are not quite so, and his track record for fraudulent behaviour is hardly a testament to his honesty. I admit his books contain some interesting stuff, and theories abound in there that I can see are attractive given the alternatives, but I simply don't buy the Ancient Alien theory in any way, shape or form, as it does not make sense (nor, I must clarify, does the traditional view of God). I grant anyone the right to their beliefs however, and would clearly enjoy discussing such things with your good self. After all, what a boring world it would be if we all agreed on everything!


"Do you really believe they used thirty thousand slaves to pull 200-ton stone blocks up the stone hill on pit props,for rollers?"


A misconception that rears its ugly head often here, HPW; they were not slaves, they were employed to do the job. It puzzles me how the myth that 'we don't know how the pyramids were built' continues to thrive: we do, the very building of pyramids and transporting of stones as described is depicted on both heiroglyphs and pictures within many of the constructions, and there are tools that have been uncovered in museums in Egypt. Contrary to popular belief, there is no mystery. Indeed, it's even been discovered, from such pictorials, that at the front of the chain pulling the blocks would be a team pouring water in the path to make the passage across the sand easier. I'm afraid the pyramid myth is perpetuated by those who wish us to believe that ancient Egyptians were stupid: they were an advanced civilisation with impressive astronomy skills and scientific knowledge that was impressive for the time.


The Nazca lines are equally impressive, but have been dated to a few hundred years after Christ, not concurrently. They are on my 'bucket list' of places to visit. It's all fascinating stuff.


As for your daughters 'sighting' I have absolutely no doubt she saw something unusual. How big was the craft? Google Taranis, BAE's new pilotless future drone, officially only having flown in Australia, but rumoured to have been performing around the UK routinely. Also, could it have been a drone of the quadcopter sort? They make the sort of noise described, but are very small.

Edited by mercuryg

look at the origins of Christianity ( pre Christ -- ok a misnomer but...) the original diaspora of the tribes - there are references to them being outcasts not rebels or persecuted and may relate to ahk en atun  and amun ra - I cant lay hands on the original references at the moment (it is many years since I researched this) but there is a strong argument that the tribes were cast out as they were sun worshippers of the old religion.

they didn't fit in with the sun 'god' change of perception.

there are interesting references to the facts of Judaism forbidding the sacrifice unless done at the central temple which seems to be relevant to the split.

daniken is a fraud or being generous an entertainer -- no argument -- he and his co writer latched onto a thread which made them money at a time when folk were prepared to believe any alternative.

look at the relics on elephantine island and the route to Ethiopia and the beliefs there.

but - why did 'Christianity' become adopted by the Roman empire when it had been suppressed for so long??

I see it as 'Christianity' is the religion of the state - its precepts are that you cannot speak directly to your god but need the intermediary of a priest, ergo an ideal situation for state control. I have no problem with Christianity as it is the basic ethos by which we should live. but its an interesting thought that you can speak to your god and that's ok - but if your god speaks back -- you are mad??? unless its done through the intermediary of a priest? in whatever form or name.


we all need belief -- the human race is built on hope - we fail otherwise, and you cannot denigrate past generations for their beliefs.

on the point of the pyramids -- Millwrights -- they move huge machines in the present day - they are the 'nowadays' pyramid builders - think on - we use the wheel -- the cheops builders had a better way. too many works actually make a job harder.


Oh, I forgot to remind everybody that those early BossGodBotherers were also the sons of the gangsters/robber aristocrats who killed their way to ruling us and nicking all the land.  What better way to keep the 'great unwashed' in order than to frighten them with Big G.


Hi Merc!!

You just[by a slip of the eye,!!],gave an excellent example of how the bible stories would have been created....chinese whispers!!

It wasn't MY Daughter who witnessed the craft....!![re-read my post!]

But I acknowledge the points you make!

Daniken,in my view,isn't a Deity,he didn't write anything for us to "Believe",he put forward HIS theories and left it for us to think what we will,either agree or disagree!

I, personally,have the tendency to agree that we have had Extra-terrestrial visitors in ancient times,nothing wrong with that,we are now investigating other planets,so why the big deal about the visitors from space?

Having worked underground for so many years,and having to build heavy machinery,with no hi-abs,and no other forms of lifting other than a pull-lift [block and tackle type of device!,in very confined spaces,and also blasting out solid strata,and having to deal with BIG heavy stones,I feel I am  just a wee 

bit qualified to have an opinion on things like the Pyramid  builders.

There were occasions when every man in a district would be called out to help with the moving of  a  machine,or heavy jumbo cable,where the only means of moving the item was muscle-power.

30 Men,in an underground roadway , all working side by side,and moving inbye,eventually bring the work to a halt..only because they were on top of each other!....nowhere to go.

Often my marra and myself had to load three-and-a-half-ton coal-cutters onto a flat tram,to go outbye ,with nothing but six-foot-long wood planks,brains,and a bit of brawn....I know all about levers and mechanical advantages,when it is in a manageable situation.but imagine thousands of men struggling in desert heat,with ropes made of what?....camel-hair?,hemp?,papyrus !

These people would,at some point,needed a heavy-duty mechanical means of positioning the blocks, and I refuse to accept that they did the job ,at such a great height,using wood planks and props,even though they were the finest Engineers. 

By the way,where did they glean thier knowledge of so precise an enginering project?

Did they start with a wood model,then up-scale it?

...and where do they all go when they have almost reached the place where the huge stone has to be placed?....put a wheel on the top, on scaffolding,and start to pull down the other side?....I don't think so!

My Son has been in all the chambers in the great Pyramid,seen the huge stone blocks that support the roof,pretty much the same principle we used underground,runners and stringers.

The precision of the placing of every stone throughout the interior of the pyramid left him stunned and in awe,as was everyone else,in the party.

Has to be seen to be believed.

He came home with all the large full-colour literature,from the museum,and the opinion that no way did men pull them stones and place them the way they are,without superior lifting power.

Now I haven't been,so I am not really qualified to dispute anything ever written,or shown on documentaries,but I  have had my own opinions on this subject since I first learnt of the Pyramids existence,as a young child at school!

Eh! what a great discussion!!...loving it!


Sym,that seems spot-on to me!!

The more you think about it,the more logical it becomes.

The Vatican is the richest place on earth...why?

My youngest Son married an Italian lass a few years ago,[now divorced...that's irrelevant!]

I said to her one day,that I would love to have a poke around the vaults underneath the Vatican...

She replied in a quiet ,very serious tone of voice,"Beely,you wouldn't get within a mile of them.."

"Why not"

"The Mafia woood keeel yooo...they control everything to do weeth eet"

"eet eez weell-known..and no-one dares ask any qestions or say aneetheeng about eet"

"The Mafie are everywhere..peeeple are afraid"

Jesus was humble,and walked barefooted,his followers are ruled by fear![fear of God.....that they may not be saved?.......]

When I was very young,I was told that most of Bedlington was owned by either the C.OF.E Vicarage,or the Catholic Church.

How much was that true!


Wilma -- exactly!!!  a few men with a bit of muscle and a bit of hard won working knowledge can move huge weights -- and  of course the stone was trimmed after being set in situ


That makes the stone even heavier!

Yeah,it's logical,and do-able,on a reasonable scale,Pil,but we aren't talking about a coalcutter here!

Remind me please,how high the Pyramid is?

I googled Daniken,sure he was a thief,did time,nowt to do with his theories,not defending his criminal record,I just see that as distinct.

It's in me to think as an individual,and not a follower,never was a follower,not even when I was a kid....did my own thing,and at my age,I am exactly the same,I believe in what I think is right,and don't try to make others follow my thinking!!...like some religious fanatical organisations do....!

Discussion is a different thing,we put forward our ideas ,compare notes,and generally have a gud time!

Noo,has anybody got any ideas why technology and education only appeared overnight,from being cavemen,so to speak ,and only in the far eastern

parts of the world.

I don't see any massive temples or other architectural achievements on a mighty huge scale in our little island,apart from the Penshaw monument of course...........!!

Nothing here to suggest high levels of intelligence from 4000 years ago........or am I missing something?

[please don't correct me on Penshaw!!!!!]


Various standing stones of unknown origin?

Not exactly what I am thinking of!

I am very willing to be educated on such matters.


Could that be him who's holding Court and passing judgement on UKIP advertising? We'll find out in May if UKIP get in. There'll probably be  vengence wreaked upon us with plagues and swarms of locusts.


Great discussion indeed! A couple of things you said interested me,  HPW:


"Did they start with a wood model,then up-scale it?"


We don't know that much, I don't think. What we do know is that the Egyptians had been building pyramids of a sort for a long, long time before they built the Great Pyramid etc.


I respect your experience and understand how you come to your conclusion - which, I might add, may be right, it's just not one I draw myself - but the problem of comparing pyramid building to your line of work is that we are talking not just many thousands of years ago, but an entirely different environment and method. Someone, a few years back, made great stock of having tried to move such huge stones using modern methods, and found it practically impossible. He missed the point: they didn't use modern methods!


"The precision of the placing of every stone throughout the interior of the pyramid left him stunned and in awe,as was everyone else,in the party."


I would love to go, and believe it would leave me in awe also, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have been done by mere mortals. I was stunned by the workmanship evident in Durham Cathedral, which is 1000 years old. It's a colossal undertaking, and I can't for the life of me understand how it was done. But I know it was! Similar doubts to those associated with the pyramids have been raised about the great Peruvian constructions such as Macchu Pichu; they were also built by human hands, and exhibit astonishing levels of precision (they also, incidentally, built pyramids).


"You just[by a slip of the eye,!!],gave an excellent example of how the bible stories would have been created....chinese whispers!!

It wasn't MY Daughter who witnessed the craft....!!"


Absolutely; apologies to your niece!


"Daniken,in my view,isn't a Deity,he didn't write anything for us to "Believe",he put forward HIS theories and left it for us to think what we will,either agree or disagree!"


Well, to a point you are right, but the fact remains von Daniken involved many elements of fabrication in his theories (and that many of them weren't his at all). An example is the famous picture of a Mayan God (I think) which he interprets as being a spaceman in full spacesuit and a rocket; it's nothing of the sort, and Scholars have known for a long time what it is - a Mayan God in traditional head dress. of course, von Daniken is entitled to believe otherwise.


"I don't see any massive temples or other architectural achievements on a mighty huge scale in our little island..."


There are many, although not from 4000 years hence; cathedrals at Durham, Lincoln, Ely, Salisbury, York Minster, etc....


"...or am I missing something?"


Not at all; it's just that the Egyptian civilisation arose and developed long before we reached that level of sophistication, and I'm sure there are those who can tell us why. Perhaps teh aliens liked their climate better!




Nothing here to suggest high levels of intelligence from 4000 years ago.


A pyramid is one of the easiest structures to build and attain any height. There is a clear evolution of development from the stepped pyramids and ziggurats to the faced type that we instantly think of as a pyramid.

I notice that no-one has mentioned the even more amazing sudden development which started with Chartes cathedral and heralded the dawn of a new age in buildings, and indeed thinking in many fields. Here the stresses involved in the use of stone became understood and directed into the ground with use of the 'flying buttress' and other devices. That happened quite suddenly and was such a radical shift in design that it makes a better case for divine intervention than the pyramids.


Canny Lass..this is gonna be the most interesting May we will hae seen fo' a lang time!!

Malc,you just made my night posting that vid of Chris!

Aav adored that song since a first heard it in 1989,but nivvor seen any videos of it.My Wife and myself saw Chris at the Whitley Bay ice rink in concert,years ago,and he sang and played that song just as it is on the record...stunning!

A aalwis thought it would have been very controversial,to the religious community,and raise hackles,but it's a much-played Christmas song nooadays!!

Jesus the spaceman visiting his offspring,baby Jesus.[Joe being his stepdad]

Mr Jesus would travel at such great speeds,and distances,that 2000 yrs of our time might just be next week ti him...who knows?


Merc,many years ago,my Wife recorded a tv documentary [on old VHS tape!!],about a team trying to lift big stone blocks with levers and hand operated block and tackes,to try and simulate the work of the pyramid builders,and overcome the tasks involved.

They got absoloutely nowhere,but I switched it off,cos it was a trash production...very amateur!

I said earlier that I never watch telly,meaning everyday trash,but if my Wife records a sensible programme,such as space,science,or anything

educational,and She knows my interests,then I will find time somehow,to watch it,usually this time of the morning,after all my commitments have been completed..[i don't call them "chores"-looking after my wife....cos it ain't a chore...it's a commitment!].


Pil,you and merc are starting to leave me behind,with your knowledge heor noo,I don't know about the Chartes cathedral,but will google it tomorrow night

and learn about it..!!

Wonderful tool is google!!

Before I leave for bed,can I just say,opinions differ in people,and it makes no difference what any of us think,or who wrote what,cos at the end of the day,we have no absoloute proof,cos we weren't there!!

Time will tell!!

Like Neil Armstrong said in an interview on the radio a year or two back,on accusations that he never stepped onto the moon's surface............

"Say what you like,but one thing you can't change,my footprint is there,and time won't shift it.....only another human being who goes back.....!"

Now what happens if the Chinese,or the Russians [especially!],get to the moon,before the Americans,in due course?.......poor Sam is in a no-win


Oh!,and when he reported to Houston,that.."we are not alone",[having seen lights on the horizon],Houston replied..."You never sent that report...clear?"

Posted (edited)

Couldn't agree with you more, HPW! We had a similar situation here in Sweden in September when the equivalent of UKIP became the third largest party in the house. Holding the balance of Power they knocked the proposed budget on the head. Chaos ensued and they were literally frozen out by the other parties. Talk about democracy! We ended up without a government for a while and a new election had to be planned for this Spring. It resolved itself, however with the leader of the party being put on the sick due to mental ill Health and the other parties working across boundaries to keep the 'unwanteds' out of Power. This is what they call politics! Thank God I don't have a vote here!

Edited by Canny lass

Canny Lass,methinks we are going have a bigger frying pan than a fire....in May.....and MIrreil Matheur [spelling?]....her lyrics may have to be re-written!


spelling is fine -- i recall her and what a pretty and talented woman!! the modern edith piaf -- although modern is perhaps a misnomer....

anyhows -- May - the time of madness - spring lambs and lunatic hares -- oh sorry i meant politics ,.........

 i think - al murray - basically cos folk are 1) sick of politics 2) haven't a clue 3) why not?

although i suspect a marginal conservative majority but back to the polls within a year. SNP are trying to obscure everything and time

it was said -- you wanted out -- you got burned -- so keep out.

i think UKIP is actually seen as too radical at present - and i can see why. ( and of course its a bit like the first labour government -- im still waiting to0 see their manifesto!!!)

we may live in troubled times --


Folks,just back in from Jess-walkies! ....where was I?

Aye,aam just thinking,a hope all ye canny folk dinna think,that aa think,that visitors built the pyramids outright!!

It gaans withoot sayin' that the Egyptians,Romans ,Greeks,and all the others,were brilliant engineers,astronomers,etc...!

My theory and belief is that they had massive help in thier education,and physical,mechanical help in the building of

the pyramids.

Iv'e never been abroad in my life,but even just visiting St Paul's cathedral,Westminster Abbey,and hundreds of ancient churches throughout the lengh and breadth of our own country,has left an impression of awe in me.

You stand and look at the gorgeous woodcarvings,plasterwork,gilting,etc,and wonder,just how did they do it?

When I left the Pits in 1987,I attended a re-training course in carpentry and joinery,at Felling.

Among the the other courses was a Stonemasonry one.

It was the the only course which,for obvious reasons,was held out in the open,with just a port overhead to keep the lads dry-ish....a bit!

One of the lads explained to me what the course procedures were,exercises etc.

One of the first things they had to learn,was how to carve a sphere from a cubic block of stone.

I watched this lad every day,at different times,as I was passing,etc,and slowly saw a sphere take shape,with every drop of sweat that poured from his brow,in the middle of the 1987 winter,which wasn't a particularly good one!He was freezing,and sweating,at the same time.

I realised what it must have been like for the masons of old who would have had arms and shoulders,that you wouldn't want to mess with!

As I became a proficient and quite skilled cabinet-maker,I worked with the best wood-carvers you could wish to watch!

One fella,called David Majors,[it's ok to say his name..],was awarded Britain's best carver,after winning a national competition run by a major[no pun!]woodworkers magazine.

He brought his winning project into the workshop for me to see,and I was awestruck.

It stood about 18 inches high,and was a Falconer,standing with his bird on his wrist,and his labrador by his side.

It was carved from the photograph on the back of the "Barbour" coat manufacturers catalogue..[in Alnwick]

The Falconer's grainy,weather-beaten face,the Falcon's beady eyes and vicious looking beak,and claws,the eyes of the Labrador,and mostly,the folds of the coat...all so realistic,you expected them to move any minute!!

Why all this story?

Just to remind folks who say "aye,we haven't got the craftsmen like there was in the aaden days...."!


But back to the pyramids,other things that are astounding,no mess or curvings anywhere inside the building,a dust-free atmosphere inside the king,and queen's chambers,paint that hasn't discoloured in the abscence of daylight,like my skirting boards have in dark corners of the rooms....[google why paint goes yellow in darkness!!]

Tutankamun's face mask is as gorgeous now as the day that it was made...who learn't them how to smelt gold and other metals?

Can you remember when a coachload of tourists were blown up on the road over to the great pyramid,a few years ago?

Well,my oldest Son was on that coach,fortunately,it was the week before that tragedy.

They stopped tourist trips for a while,but also for another reason...

The heat and humidity from so many bodies passing through,plus the heat from the lighting,had started to degrade the wall paintings,and restorative treatment had to be done.

Bed-time already...again![1-10 am!]

Last word!,Men,[and Ladies,and cherubs!]all with white dresses and feathery wings........no-one has given me a decent explanation....yet![i don't go for the usual religious explanation that you have to know how to interpret the meanings of the Bible!]

Tell you what,we all missed our vocation!!,but Billy Graham didn't!!

"How to become a millionaire...[billionaire?]..in ONE easy step-!"....[and THAT was one SMALL step for a man!!]


"Last word!,Men,[and Ladies,and cherubs!]all with white dresses and feathery wings"


Now, this is an interesting one! I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong as I'm no biblical scholar) that Angels, being non-human, have the ability to manifest as men (note the distinction - not women, but men) according to the gospels, and that there are several 'classes''of Angel. A quick bit of research shows that, in fact, only two of these classes are ever described as having wings and, as with fairies in folklore, it would appear the popular art across the ages has converted the image of an Angel into a female-like form, always with wings. As for cherubs, they apparently have nothing to do with Angels whatsoever.


I see where HPW is coming from, and it is certainly an interesting question: why indeed, where did it come from?


There's one for you Pete - how many Angels are named in the Bible? Can you do it without Google??

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