willy j. Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 Sym your ( deliberately insulting) comments don't count, not to me anyway, I have already nailed my colours to the mast. It's the ordinary folk of Bedlington who have chosen, or thinking of choosing UKIP as their party now that you insult. Freedom to choose is their democratic right, yes, the very thing that men and women of this country fought and died for in two world wars. You and TP have not yet grasped the fact that every disparaging comment you make win's UKIP more votes for us. Your quote: 'The Kippers open themselves to criticism from ALL THE WISE FOLKS HERE AND HOPEFULLY RISK HAVING ADDITIONAL BILE TIPPED OVER THEIR HEADS.' I Take it that your 'Wise Folks Here comment, means you, that folk who have now chosen a different political path are less wise than you. What an insult to them. Your 'Bile Over Their Heads' comment really smacks of the Labour 'rent a thug' policy, who incidentally are now referred to as the Labour 'Brownshirts' because of their behaviour when trying to disrupt UKIP events. I also take great exception to your remark liking us to a party 'Somewhere in Europe in the 30's'. We are nothing like the Nazi's. My father and four of my uncles fought against them in WW2. I served in the Army myself as did my oldest son, and I can tell you, we are no racists. If I thought UKIP was racist I would never have joined the party. I can tell you without a shadow of doubt this party is not racist, I am proud to be part of it, and to be the Secretary of our branch. 1
Tonyp Posted February 15, 2015 Author Posted February 15, 2015 Willy,the thing is some people up north think everybody in London has got it easy there's lots of people Down here suffering down here I can assure you of that at the union conference which was held in Jersey.I had discussion with a young lady called Anna Turley who is standing for labour for Redcar & she wasSaying the same verbal as you about how bad it was up north & how nice & cosy it is for people living in London.I offered to show her the area where we work & talk to them about there concerns,she said she Wasn't saying people had it easier down London. I told her to listen to her speech from the video she did then she apologised, 3G I don't see any of my union comrades on that photo of yours me thinks the Brokers giving some dole Welers £10 each to make a commotion for his publicity. As I said before immigrants aren't interested in coming to bedders, he just wants numpties to support him so he can chuck them out of the garden of England his so called wonderful county..
Tonyp Posted February 15, 2015 Author Posted February 15, 2015 ]Tonyp you are making assertions as facts based on assumptions!3G as Malcolm quoted
Symptoms Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 Willy, willy, willy ... it can't all be one-sided. The Right slags* off the Left and the Left slags* off the Right ... just as it should be in a mature democracy. Rather than just using bland prose I sometimes use 'extended code' to make my point, eg. bile, pen-sharpening, etc., a device often encountered during political discourse. I modestly consider this to be following in the glorious footsteps of some of the great, and not so great, satirists; think of me as a James Gilray or a Jonathan Swift ... or even Screaming Lord Sutch. *in this context the phrase 'slags off' is code for political banter and point scoring, nothing more, nothing less. A healthy pursuit in my opinion.
mercuryg Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 ' Symptoms, surely 'points scoring' is a waste of time. I don't want to hear one side tell me what's wrong about tge others, I csn work that out myself. I want to know what they are going to do for the good, which is usually shrouded in the small print.
willy j. Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 OK Sym, lets stay healthy then, I'm all for that. All I ask is, be careful with the innuendo. IE: branding us as Nazi's and suffering from intelligence retention is quite offensive. I am not at war with you, I am not at war with your beliefs. I voted Labour for 43 years and would never dis anyone who wants to vote for them. What I am at war with, is the putrefying edifice that is Brussels. Bleeding my country white for very little return. I want us to be great again. Hell, I easily start ranting about how I feel we are being used, and I don't like anyone trying to use me. The PC Brigade have made the word Patriotic something to be ashamed of, or worse still, racist. How stupid can they be, this country is much more important than you and me, and certainly them. That's enough of all that anyway, or I'll go on all night. I want my country back, I served it, I was prepared to die for it (and still am) and I will do whatever it takes to make this happen. 2
Malcolm Robinson Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 Sym........think of me as James Gilray or a Jonathan Swift.......Whey aye and a delusional good night to you too!
Tonyp Posted February 15, 2015 Author Posted February 15, 2015 Let's all be patriotic here as willy says!! My son who lives in Widdrigton comes home from Afghanistan last year,I don't come on this website to say well done I was in the navy in the early eighties not after a pat on the back, you believe in who you are not where you are been there worn it seen it some jumped up right wing Tory like Nigel will never change my mind, on what's right if you believe in him well done not commenting on this anymore I'll leave it to Malcolm's words of wisdom or sarcasm
willy j. Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 There you go again Tony, off on a tangent and totally missing the point. My thread was mainly about letting people make their own minds up without being bullied by the 'rent a thug' brigade. You know the type, the ones who supposedly condemn people who use sarcasm, then in the same breath use it themselves. 'Jumped up right wing Tory like Nigel', am I ringing any bells. In fact we'll take it to a different level, your Mr Ed has been relentless in his condemnation of the 'Tax Avoidance' clique, who have obviously been well protected by the powers that be in Westminster. And I include the previous government in this too, they were equally complicit in what was going on during their tenure. But Red Ed continued to go for Cameroons jugular, while all the time his own family had been up to the exact same thing. (Baily Mail) His hypocrisy knows no bounds. However, getting back to what my previous post was all about. It was about brave men and women of this country who died to preserve our freedom, and that freedom includes, among many other things, our independence. Something I think is very precious and should be protected, or as we stand today, be restored. Now if you want to be part of a party that is prepared to continue giving away our sovereignty, law making powers, our right to decide who we can and can't allow in, and bleed us dry financially, you are at liberty to do so. In my opinion you may as well urinate on the graves of all those men and women who died to prevent that ever happening. Finally, my patriotism, which you sneered at, is something you are obviously not in agreement with. Well that is your choice. for me it is a state of mind, passed down through my family. Growing up in a military family makes you like this. Because you were never in the military you probably won't understand. 2
Tonyp Posted February 16, 2015 Author Posted February 16, 2015 You are using stupid blah blah comments about my family's involvement in the military that you know nothing about me or my family's past infact what your saying is quite pathetic & sad I'm not going to explain my parents,family or Inlaws involvement in the services because it probably doesn't come up to the standards of an action man like you,I'm quite pleased you're the local ukip secretary..I'm sure you'll get loadsa people looking up to you..LOL P.S as for the sovereignty thing we started giving that away when we asked Woodrow Wilson for a hand in the 1st world waroh by the way my sons granda got his leg shot off in Tobruk & if his home on leave & in Bedlington ask my son if we are a patriotic family."tell me the answer he gives you please". *****
HIGH PIT WILMA Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Heh heh!Wat an interesting spring were gonna have,I hope there is a big bucket ready to be put inside the council offices,accompanied by a few violins!I know one thing for sure,burnt fingers take a lot of pain,and a lot of time to heal!!ME.....aa knaa nowt aboot politics,so aal stick ti pitwark! Being a 'card-carrying' member of the so-called 'intellectual left', I don't object to the Kippers, or any other LEGAL political party, being able to advertise here. In doing so the Kippers open themselves up criticism from all the wise folks here and hopefully risk having additional bile tipped over their heads ... so, let's sharpen our nibs and prepare to do battle! (Sorry about mixing the metaphors). Sym...master of alliteration!......as well as metaphors!We had a saying doon the black hole....."It's not my job ti gaan roond shooting stinking fish"....!....[shooting=shouting!]
HIGH PIT WILMA Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 There's me tellin' ivry bugga a meet,when aam oot wi little black Jess,[me four-legged little darlin'!],that thi Bedlintin forum site is a great peacefulplace ti spend an 'oor or two.....wi nae insultin' behavior etc................let's tek a lesson from the God thread,aboot having a democratic debate!!
threegee Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Willy,the thing is some people up north think everybody in London has got it easy there's lots of peopleDown here suffering down here I can assure you of that at the union conference which was held in Jersey.I had discussion with a young lady called Anna Turley who is standing for labour for Redcar & she wasSaying the same verbal as you about how bad it was up north & how nice & cosy it is for people living in London.I offered to show her the area where we work & talk to them about there concerns,she said sheWasn't saying people had it easier down London. I told her to listen to her speech from the video she did then she apologised, 3G I don't see any of my union comrades on that photo of yours me thinks the Brokers giving some dole Welers £10 each to make a commotion for his publicity. As I said before immigrants aren't interested in coming to bedders, he just wants numpties to support him so he can chuck them out of the garden of England his so called wonderful county.. Everyone except the chattering classes and the business chiefs (and maybe top trade unionists) are suffering Tony. Your wonderful EU is doing a magnificent job of depressing incomes for all but the London-centric elites. The same squeeze that was applied to manual jobs is now being applied to clerical and administrative jobs - the very sort of employment that a very few decades ago was being held up as pensionable life-careers "with prospects". All that can be said is that the Country as a whole isn't doing quite as badly as the rest of the failing EU. Huge sums are pouring out of the country to international mega-corporations who pay next to no tax through cross pricing fraud, whilst neither Tory nor Labour are prepared to do anything about it. Miliband's latest tilting at windmills is to latch onto the Panorama leftie's storm-in-a-teacup about individual tax avoidance, and pretend that there are billions going uncollected - which there certainly is not! The revenue has raked in about £130M from the insider leak, and there's likely a bit more to come. All he'll do is relocate a few very mobile people, and throw countless millions at a problem which doesn't really exist in a form he represents. In short, after he's elected he won't collect a brass farthing extra; but he knows that already, and it's just the usual empty Jealousy & Envy Party pitch to people who don't understand basic economics. Here's this truth from an impeccable source. The real problem is the international crony capitalism which infiltrates Labour just as much as the Tories. It comes in slightly different flavours according to party, but it's essentially the same thing, and fully embraced, even promoted and protected, by the EU. Please stop misrepresenting Nigel Farage as a Tory. He is as opposed to Tory policies as he is to Labour. There's no logical reason for you to do this except as a cheap smear, and its unworthy of you. If you want to criticise him then quote what he actually says you disagree with. If I said Miliband was a screaming anti-British Marxist you'd not let me get away with it (yet, his father certainly was). Actually, just like Cameron I don't think Miliband has any real core beliefs, and will do or say whatever he thinks it will take to grab power. Also, when gets power, just like Cameron, he simply won't know what to do with it. The only difference between the duos is that Osborne is more economically competent than Balls, who will bankrupt us for a second time (yeah, yeah, "it was a global problem"). Farage doesn't actually want to be PM, he wants to get us out of the Fourth Reich - period! If he has to be PM he will, but he's not after power, he's after a result. Snobby, pretentious, Cameron gets up his nose a lot more than clownish Miliband does, and I fully share that one with him. Those bully boys were militant trades unionists (from the laughingly titled Hope Not Hate) as they shamelessly admit. Ukip will repatriate no one who is here legally, and even detected illegals will be given a fair hearing. It's much more about stemming the rising tide than throwing anyone out; it's the left that goes in for social engineering. The tide of immigrants over the Mediterranean is taking on frightening proportions, and a majority want to bypass the failing EU and head for the UK where they believe the streets are paved with gold. Once Bedlington's economy picks up be under no illusions that locals will be competing for jobs with immigrants, who will be more than keen to work for what they see as a small fortune. I meet African illegals in the EU daily, have even made friends with a couple. They generally speak good English, make no pretence that they want work at any price, and intend heading for the UK above all countries. Eight or so years ago it was just a tiny few here or there, today it's an army! Finally, can everyone please stop personalising what would otherwise be a great debate! I quite enjoy Symptoms "loony left" input, and I don't see that any of his remarks were aimed personally.
Tonyp Posted February 17, 2015 Author Posted February 17, 2015 3G I never started the personal family slagging game,I was just sticking up for my family if it is offensive I'm sorry about that but I will stick up for my family especially if someone makes silly comments about them when they don't know them..
mercuryg Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 "Finally, can everyone please stop personalising what would otherwise be a great debate!" Indeed, and I'm not singling anyone out with this comment. The great thing about this place is we can all have different opinions, and express them, and accept that others may not agree. We create debates for interest and fun and of course sometimes things get a little hot under the collar. I like to believe we could all meet for a pint (or a pot of tea, HPW) and laugh about it all.
willy j. Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Tony, take the dark glasses off and read what I write, instead of what you would like to think I wrote. There were no disparaging comments in my post about your family. I think what you have taken offence at was my comment that 'YOU, yes YOU, were never in the military. There was no mention of your family.
Maggie/915 Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Maybe I am being cynical but 'Moral Outrage' is a grand way to get your message across.Surely we all want the same things !Who said 'Patriotism is the last refuge'?Right now you can all just have a go at me 'job done'Democracy, freedom of speech, common decency: Not to mention a good and , maybe , happy life.The morals and ethics of our countryUKIP , FUKP or there are other parties available.The choice is up to the individual.No right and no wrong.On a different note , I had not realised who owned Cross Country Trains nor that they were part of the Arriva group.Must tell Al Murray!
Tonyp Posted February 17, 2015 Author Posted February 17, 2015 The sip I was on is the one next to the aircraft carrier
willy j. Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Tony, you're still not listening. I said you weren't the MILITARY we all know you were in the Merchant Navy, god knows you've told us often enough. But I'm afraid that doesn't qualify you for the military. I'm afraid sailing alongside an aircraft carrier is not good enough.
Tonyp Posted February 17, 2015 Author Posted February 17, 2015 Your not listing if you wanted to get in touch with me while I was on them ships you would have to get in contact with me via bfpo gov Ask Eddie mount about his brother John when he was in the Falklands & me..was the sir Ghallahad the same or a merchant ship You don't know you where probably in a beer Keller in Germany active service bollocks
Tonyp Posted February 17, 2015 Author Posted February 17, 2015 If this man is the best UKIP an deliver as your local secretary then you deserve what you get,as I said he knows nothing about me & is been very personal W****R...
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