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Make a noise for Bedlington.

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"Jayne Middlemiss is now supporting the campaign...."


Pleased to hear this; Jayne's TV presence may be considered 'lightweight' in many ways, but she is a 'local girl done good'; I remember her when she was a barmaid in a Bedlington pub! A little 'celebrity' endorsement does not go amiss. Notably, she wasn't asked to comment or add her support - she heard of the campaign and sent a message. Also interestign is that St Cuthbert's Chruch were not asked to ring the bells - they offered, a gesture that is much appreciated. Saturday's turn-out should be impressive, to say the least, and should also be seen as the beginning of the campaign, rather than the end.


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On page 50/51 of The News Post the candidates for Wansbeck put their case for peoples vote..

Strangely it is the Conservative candidate who makes the most of the plight of Bedlington.

Indeed half of his plea is given over to details of the plight of our little town .

He also supports 'Make a noise for Bedlington'

None of the others make comment about the state of Bedlington.

Sadly it needs everyone seeing how desperatly Bedlington needs support.

Maybe Saturday will see all the would be politicians turning up.

If not they say more than their fine words .

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Chris, the tory candidate, is definitely attending Maggie. Not sure about mr lavery, and I do know wendy met with the UKIP candidate sonwould expect her to be there.

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This campaign must go 'National'.

The local press are involved and soon it will be international. (Hopefully)

One cute dog, a history story, so much background worthy of recording.

Now injustice.

Doom and Gloom no way.

Maybe Robson Green could do a series of programmes about a town's fight for survival.

He did live locally for a while and shop in Bedlington!

Even a fishing story

How about

'Robson Green steps in to protect Crayfish at Humford.'

Anything to get all the political parties working together and not being negative !

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Whilst later in the day the big news for Bedlington is Tesco agree to sell their site to Arch.


'In principle' Maggie; show's not over until the fat lady sings. Then, we want to know what ARCH are going to do with it.....

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Great turnout! Pity no sound or zoom on the Bedlington camera!, no Periscope either....

Just viewed it on Live, as you say Vic, an excellent turn out but pity we could not hear the noise. Zoom can be achieved by using Ctrl and + but it gets a bit pixeated.

Edited by Pete
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Hi Pete, yes I was able to enlarge the picture (using my A.......e iPad, but don't tell 3G!) now to watch the Toon,

Don't bother Vic, there getting beat 2 0 after 15 minuets. They look like a team that's beat from the the kick off, could be a cricket score this one.

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Very interesting day.

Most people desperate for change.

I hope the initiative now started continues after the election.

No backstabbing and everyone working together to make our town viable.

Well done to the current MP for turning up maybe delivering leaflets first.

However he seemed to be getting a little bit of an earful about the state of the town.

His answers did not seem too accurate reference the Old School and the perhaps 18 years it has been empty

The point was made to him that if someone left their house in that state they would be in trouble.

He appeared to agree.

Next Thursday my hope is that everyone votes.

No apathy

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Indeed, Maggie, I didn't get to see Mr Lavery but am very pleased to hear he turned up. It can surely be no coincidence, however, that leaflets and a press release were hastily published and delivered in the 24 hours before the event declaring that NCC has purchased the Tesco property. It should be said, 'in principle'.


Wendy, and Brian, have done a stunning job in getting such support in a short time; I believe from the initial comment she made when setting up the MAN4 Page on Facebook to yesterdays gathering was less than a month! Great to see, also, that it remained a good-natured demo. I have heard a figure of 2500 people attended - how to clarify that I don't know, but a quick head count of one small section of the crowd yielded a couple of hundred, so I can certainly see where it comes from.


Yesterday showed that the people of the town are fed up, disillusioned and want change, and that the time has come for NCC to do something. Let's hope the support continues.

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Yesterday was an event that was fun.

Serious concerns for the town but a unique way to involve everyone regardless of political allegiance .

Everyone was smiling , making a noise in so very many different ways.

Even some of the police were clapping.

Buses , cars all joining in.

You really had to be there!

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I must admit to shouting 'boo' when the Ashington bound bus passed....


Oh, and Foxy and his camera were swallowed up by the crowd....

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Well I had a rather heated exchange with Mr Lavery and when I told him that all the investment  goes to Ashington his words were  "The last thing  Ashington got was the Sports Centre in 1974"   When I asked him  "What was the last thing Bedlington got" he couldn't answer. Its worth a mention that after the crowds dispersed I spoke to an ex high ranking member of the local Labour party and his words were  " This demo will do nothing other than cost Ian a couple of thousand votes, but he has a ten thousand majority and you will all be standing here again in ten years time blowing your whistles"...........I feel that he could be right if Ian gets re-elected.  

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Well I had a rather heated exchange with Mr Lavery and when I told him that all the investment  goes to Ashington his words were  "The last thing  Ashington got was the Sports Centre in 1974"   When I asked him  "What was the last thing Bedlington got" he couldn't answer. Its worth a mention that after the crowds dispersed I spoke to an ex high ranking member of the local Labour party and his words were  " This demo will do nothing other than cost Ian a couple of thousand votes, but he has a ten thousand majority and you will all be standing here again in ten years time blowing your whistles"...........I feel that he could be right if Ian gets re-elected.  


He could well be right, but we can but try. Did you get a nice shot of me, Foxy, I did pose for you!

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On the leaflet drop that occurred yesterday, it seemed apparent that it was pre-empting the sale of the building to ARCH and that the agreement was in principle and nothing formally agreed.


Also seemed strange that not everyone in Bedlington received the leaflet. I certainly didn't get one!




This appeared to anger residents more than reassure and most people made reference to the coincidental timing. Seems NCC planned the delivery just in time for the protest.


Or did they.


This cropped up on Twitter on my 'Bedlington' filter.



Looks to me like desperation, as well as misleading, as it's not suggested that this was organised by the council but the Labour party. Call me cynical.


For those that couldn't make it, a few photos:



Photo Credit: John S Coulson



Photo Credit: MC-Media

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. Did you get a nice shot of me, Foxy, I did pose for you!

Video coming soon Merc! here's a couple of stills with some of our members unnamed!  










I think this one could be foxy



There are some of our members in these pics, If any of you want them removed let me know.

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