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I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud...

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Guest missvic

When all at once I saw a crowd

A host, of golden daffodils...


Aint it lovely? (for the Station!) :D

When all at once I saw a crowd

A host, of golden daffodils...


Aint it lovely? (for the Station!) :D

Very "Wizard of Ozz"

very nice for the station shame the top end aint that nice!

Beg to differ, their is a simmiler ensamble heading from the Ridge Farm down towards Nedderton.

same meandering setup too!

When all at once I saw a crowd

A host, of golden daffodils...


Aint it lovely? (for the Station!) :D

Mr Wordsworth would be proud....

(Better late than never) noticed that it was indeed a suffusion of yellow..lovely, lovely...I like yellow, me

It is nice, pity theres a lot of them been stamped on and had their heads kicked off.

:o a bit detective work is needed here..who was the last one at the scene of the crime? Over to you Miss Vic!

:o a bit detective work is needed here..who was the last one at the scene of the crime? Over to you Miss Vic!

and also....the next time you get the urge to take a photo,make sure that you don`t park your blue car in the middle of the road,you`ve just nearly killed one of my neighbours!! :o

Mr Wordsworth would be proud....

(Better late than never) noticed that it was indeed a suffusion of yellow..lovely, lovely...I like yellow, me

When I lived there, (Next to the Bank Top Hotel.) we never thought of the Bank Top as the Station. That was a couple of miles away, where the trains stopped. And where you could stand on the pedestrian bridge, and enjoy yhe steam and smoke when the trains passed underneath!

Nice to see it again.

Thanks, Joe

When I lived there, (Next to the Bank Top Hotel.) we never thought of the Bank Top as the Station. That was a couple of miles away, where the trains stopped. And where you could stand on the pedestrian bridge, and enjoy yhe steam and smoke when the trains passed underneath!

Nice to see it again.

Thanks, Joe

one of the best establishments in bedlington! although bit of a granddad pub! but the beers not watered down!

Guest missvic
and also....the next time you get the urge to take a photo,make sure that you don`t park your blue car in the middle of the road,you`ve just nearly killed one of my neighbours!! :o

someone from Beattie Road? surely an achievement?! if pulling over at the side of the road is about to make them crash, perhaps they should get their corsa/ astra/ nova (delete as applicable) off the road?!

someone from Beattie Road? surely an achievement?! if pulling over at the side of the road is about to make them crash, perhaps they should get their corsa/ astra/ polo (delete as applicable) off the road?!

Diss not the polo, tis a fine vehicle.....in the right hands

Guest missvic
Diss not the polo, tis a fine vehicle.....in the right hands

Oops, sorry! I actually meant Nova (4 letters, same vowel-constonant structure).. Polos can not be aquired at Bebside Motors! All is edited.. I was in the midst of a drunken egg decorating competition and wasn't on top car naming form... I am a girl anyway, so really I only know them by their colour anyway

someone from Beattie Road? surely an achievement?! if pulling over at the side of the road is about to make them crash, perhaps they should get their corsa/ astra/ polo (delete as applicable) off the road?!

That`s just it though,you weren`t at the side of the road,you were parked in the middle of the road and if you hadn`t been so busy prancing through the daffodils you would of seen the car (dunno what kind it is,see photo) swerving to avoid hitting your vehicle..

And as for you thinking it would have been an achievement to kill someone from Beatty Road,well,that just about sums up your mentality that..

The next time you`re off on your wanders,can i suggest you leave the car keys in the house,the world will be a safer place!!

Guest missvic
That`s just it though,you weren`t at the side of the road,you were parked in the middle of the road and if you hadn`t been so busy prancing through the daffodils you would of seen the car (dunno what kind it is,see photo) swerving to avoid hitting your vehicle..

See picture. Parked at side of road. Taking pictures from car. Not prancing. Sorry Muk!

See picture. Parked at side of road. Taking pictures from car. Not prancing. Sorry Muk!

Taking pictures from the middle of the road the way i see it...and the prancing/kicking the heads off must of been done straight after you nearly caused the crash..anyway,i just wanted to bring it to your attention,just so you can learn by your mistakes..

Just as well the bloke from Beatty Road is such a decent sort really,he could of quite easily reported you,instead,he just called you a few names (of course,me being a Lady i couldn`t repeat such explenities) :rolleyes:

Guest missvic


Is this a juxtaposition of obscenities and expletives? gosh! he must be mad!

My driving has been open to question for some years now, but I always thought my parking was my superlative skill as my passengers always seem so happy when I pull over... hmmm


Is this a juxtaposition of obscenities and expletives? gosh! he must be mad!

My driving has been open to question for some years now, but I always thought my parking was my superlative skill as my passengers always seem so happy when I pull over... hmmm

You don`t have to convince me :lol:

Just as well the bloke from Beatty Road is such a decent sort really,he could of quite easily reported you,instead,he just called you a few names (of course,me being a Lady i couldn`t repeat such explenities) :rolleyes:

Hold the phone....

reported? for what?

last time i looked in the highway code their is no law that states you cannot stop in the middle of a public road to take pictures, finnish a sneezing fit, picking up a dropped cigarette, removing the dead cat he just hit (instead of driving off(see seperate post :D )) etc.

On an urban clearway yes, but the section of road refered to, last time i drove down it, is not a clearway, therefore 'stopping' is allowed. i also did not notice the double yellow lines painted along there, which could also have made this an offence.

However, and this is my point, am i right in assuming that driving without due care and attention IS an offence? and that the modern test includes a 'hazard perception' section covering just such instances?

Their is also the question of inciting violence. i refer to the vulgar remarks lady muk refers to in her post. i believe this is commonly known as 'Road Rage'

In my opinion, if someone nearly lost control of their vehicle because a car was stopped in the middle of their lane, i would be much more concerned about the driver who lost control, rather than the driver who had stopped his vehicle for whatever reason.

But then again, i was not there, and i did not see the actual curcumstances, so i will refrain from damning someone on 3rd hand stories...


Good Picture tho!!!

Hold the phone....

reported? for what?

last time i looked in the highway code their is no law that states you cannot stop in the middle of a public road to take pictures, finnish a sneezing fit, picking up a dropped cigarette, removing the dead cat he just hit (instead of driving off(see seperate post :D )) etc.

On an urban clearway yes, but the section of road refered to, last time i drove down it, is not a clearway, therefore 'stopping' is allowed. i also did not notice the double yellow lines painted along there, which could also have made this an offence.

However, and this is my point, am i right in assuming that driving without due care and attention IS an offence? and that the modern test includes a 'hazard perception' section covering just such instances?

Their is also the question of inciting violence. i refer to the vulgar remarks lady muk refers to in her post. i believe this is commonly known as 'Road Rage'

In my opinion, if someone nearly lost control of their vehicle because a car was stopped in the middle of their lane, i would be much more concerned about the driver who lost control, rather than the driver who had stopped his vehicle for whatever reason.

But then again, i was not there, and i did not see the actual curcumstances, so i will refrain from damning someone on 3rd hand stories...


Good Picture tho!!!

What! you can`t just park your car the way she did! Fair enough if she had pulled it over to the side,but she didn`t!

Someone came round a bend and nearly smashed into a parked car and as for "Road Rage" there wasn`t any! All he did was swerve out the way (he didn`t lose control he swerved on purpose,there`s a difference),what was he supposed to do? If the car had been parked at the side of the road he wouldn`t of had to swerve!

And as for vulgar remarks (if you can call it that) he made them in his own house,not at the scene,you can`t call this "Road Rage!" :lol:

Guest missvic
What! you can`t just park your car the way she did! Fair enough if she had pulled it over to the side,but she didn`t!

Someone came round a bend and nearly smashed into a parked car and as for "Road Rage" there wasn`t any! All he did was swerve out the way (he didn`t lose control he swerved on purpose,there`s a difference),what was he supposed to do? If the car had been parked at the side of the road he wouldn`t of had to swerve!

And as for vulgar remarks (if you can call it that) he made them in his own house,not at the scene,you can`t call this "Road Rage!" :lol:

Some members are always on the defensive.

They know their rights.


Some members are always on the defensive.

They know their rights.


For once i actually agree! :lol:

Guest missvic
For once i actually agree! :lol:


What! you can`t just park your car the way she did! Fair enough if she had pulled it over to the side,but she didn`t!

Someone came round a bend and nearly smashed into a parked car and as for "Road Rage" there wasn`t any! All he did was swerve out the way (he didn`t lose control he swerved on purpose,there`s a difference),what was he supposed to do? If the car had been parked at the side of the road he wouldn`t of had to swerve!

And as for vulgar remarks (if you can call it that) he made them in his own house,not at the scene,you can`t call this "Road Rage!" :lol:

I appologise, it seams i misread your post, i thought you were saying his responce was at the scene.

as for my comment on the driving, if the gentleman needed to brake hard, swerve or otherwise panicked, regardless of the bend in the road, he was driving without due care and attention. the only exception i can see to this is if the car infront suddenly braked hard to a stop, in which case he was driving too close, and was still driving without due care.

as for what he was supposed to do, may i suggest he slowed down, to a stop if neccesary, indicated his intention to overtake, then passed this obstruction when it was safe to do so. :D:P:D

i ask you this: what if that parked car had been a child, paralised by the thought of an oncoming vehicle traveling at speed round a bend? would your opinion still be the same?

the whole top and bottom of this is, the gentleman was going too fast round a bend and did not leave enough time to anticipate the obstruction. had he been going slower he would have seen the obstruction in plenty of time to slow down further and navagate safely around it. as many driving instructors now teach, you should never drive at a speed faster than the stopping distance you can clearly see ahead, if you cannot see round a bend, slow down to a speed at which you can safely stop should you need to.

there is no instance where you should need to swerve to avoid a stationary object in the road ahead.

or are you now going to add this happened right in front of him and he had no choice but to swerve?

I still think its a nice photo tho...

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