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I'm well impressed Foxy! Not only do you remember the date but even the time! Your lass is lucky! Nice to have bumped into you, by the way.


Nice to met you Canny Lass,  


  bit of a surprise for Malcolm and Adam and we all enjoyed the night,  let Maggie know  next time you visit and  we could do a re-run!! 


Nice to met you Canny Lass,  


  bit of a surprise for Malcolm and Adam and we all enjoyed the night,  let Maggie know  next time you visit and  we could do a re-run!! 


Mmm, I was quietly incognito in the Red Lion justthe other day when approached by two ladies, one of whom uttered the sectre password 'Are you Mercuryg?' I'm not sure if it was the indentifying signs in the classic spy style - The Times folded under one arm, a carnation in the right buttonhole, and a badge saying 'I am MercuryG' that gave it away, but I must commend Maggie on her ability to unearth the secret. A pleasure to meet Maggie (again) and CannyLass.


Just Bedlington mercuryg.

Not sure 'quietly incognito' applies.

Any classic spy must be aware The Red Lion is not the place to go.

Love the idea of The Times folded under one arm, a carnation in the right buttonhole and a badge saying 'I am mercuryg'

Symptoms of course would have The Guardian folded under one arm.

Many times in Bedlington I have said 'I am not too sure who that is ' to be told of course you do

it's so and so daughter/ son etc


Sorry Vic I forgot to reply to you about Church Lane.

The traffic on the Lane is a problem with The Church life meeting up with the developers HGV's. Etc.

Reversing skills are essential.

As we all know there are ways around but not for the biggest vehicles.

Basically traffic wars.


Nice to have met a few of you on my all too short visit. I did wave at the camera everytime I passed that way so I hope I 'met' a few more. even if not personally. Maybe we should have a sign to be able to recognise each other - secret handshake, lapel pin (bedlington terrier, market cross, B for bedders)? The possibilities are endless.

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Thanks Maggie, I think I detect your frustration, understandably so. I'm amazed at the amount of traffic I see on the web cam, here we cry "traffic lights†(jokingly) if we have to stop for three vehicles! where else can two oncoming drivers stop in the middle of the road for a chat and traffic just wave and roll around them!

I like your line of thought Canny lass, should I be fortunate to make another visit home I'd be very disappointed if I didn't get to put a few faces to the names of our long distance friends. I watch the cam quite a lot but have never seen a a wave. :(

Posted (edited)

Possibly because of the time difference?

Possibly because of the time difference?

Could be, I don,t check between 6am and 2ish most days! (Bedlington time") Edited by Vic Patterson

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