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It is only in the last few days that I have become aware of the Green Button and the Star Rating on each and every thread.

It would be good to have these functions explained.

Ie 'how many can we press each day ?'

Perhaps somewhere on the Forum it is explained.

HELP mods and admin please .

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The stars are a vote on the whole topic, the green up arrow is not a vote on the post but a vote on member reputation (I think).  I'm not sure if you are allowed to vote any one member up more than once, hence that's likely why you believe it has stopped working.


All this could be history in the next few weeks as we are now overdue for a major software upgrade.  The whole thing became hugely cumbersome over the years so the programming team have spent thousands of hours doing a complete top-down rewrite.  The new code will be introduced here as free time is available from servicing paying customers.


You might want to start your own poll.  I think the permissions are set so that any full member can do this in SOME of the forums.  Feel free to experiment as we can always clean up for you.  I think that only a topic starter can create a poll, and my guess is that you need to create a poll within 24 hours of starting the new topic.  Polls can contain multiple questions, and you decide the range of answers.  It's actually quite easy, and you can learn "on the job".  The moderators will "pin" any polls they think are of general interest to the top of the forum, so you get more exposure and more people voting.

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I asked about this when I became a member, Maggie and Brett explained it to me in the same way that Malcolm explained it. It's for agreeing with a post without the need to write. The gold stars I've never been able to fathom out.

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That much I'd understood, Malcolm, situated as they are over the thread title, but what do they signify? What is it that's being 'rated' and more important where do they come from? Not that it's important if they are about to disappear.

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Right before the system changes and maybe before we have to subscribe here goes with the Green and Yellow buttons.

Power to the people as they say.

You have to know what to do first.


Looking back I have got a sore finger from pressing too many buttons .!!!!

Some folk have been there before me.

Happiness is understanding the system.

On yellow or at first blue stars I have not been thrown out yet.

The question is 'am I working my ticket ' or just a ' radgie gadgie'


Its tells you Maggie...............RATE TOPIC................................gold stars. (1,2,3,4 or 5) 



                                                 RATE THE POSTING................Green up arrow.  


Where does it tell you Malcolm.

Your post above has the green button but also strange symbols after your name on the right .

What do they mean?

It appears they are only the number of posts in the thread but I do not understand the symbols.

The star rating for this topic is 2votes but it has five yellow stars! Why?

Maybe two people have pressed more than once!

Every time I think I have the answer I think of another question.

Maybe it does not matter!


Maggie, in your eagerness to find and press green buttons, you may perhaps stumble across an enormous example of such by following the link in the first post in Call a Temporary Halt to All Immigration (Chat Central, in case you've missed it). There doesn't seem to be much going on there  but perhaps the button presser(s) is also rationed to 13 - 14 presses a day.


However, should you by chance stumble across that button, I suggest that you follow the example of the 62 727 104 UK residents who have NOT pressed the button. Just saying.


Looking back I have got a sore finger from pressing too many buttons .!!!!

Some folk have been there before me.

Happiness is understanding the system.

On yellow or at first blue stars I have not been thrown out yet.

The question is 'am I working my ticket ' or just a ' radgie gadgie'


Well to the left happiness is subverting the system, so completely frustrating the original intentions, and devaluing it to the point it has no real meaning any longer.




Personally I hope that Trump wins; not because I particularly like him, but just to see how slimy Cameron and May react when they have to face up to the consequences of their cynical popularism!


Maggie, in your eagerness to find and press green buttons, you may perhaps stumble across an enormous example of such by following the link in the first post in Call a Temporary Halt to All Immigration (Chat Central, in case you've missed it). There doesn't seem to be much going on there  but perhaps the button presser(s) is also rationed to 13 - 14 presses a day.


However, should you by chance stumble across that button, I suggest that you follow the example of the 62 727 104 UK residents who have NOT pressed the button. Just saying.


There are going on for half a million votes on the petition, and in the main those people - being honourable people who believe in true democracy - will only have voted once.


The faux triumphalism is echoed in the claims of the Corbynistas as to the number of votes for their "dear leader".  Really easy for unscrupulous activists to take over a party that has a £3 membership fee (thank you Mr Blair), and where its opponents are quite prepared to pay a few £3 one-off "donations" just to help screw you up and make you unelectable!  "Ease of use is no indication of quality or long-term serviceability", as they say in consumerist circles.

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and Maggs...........you don't have to up every post!   :whistle:


Of course she does! :D

Strictly speaking it's part of the "rep" system, so you are actually voting on the reputation of the poster.  At least that's where the lasting result is delivered.


Don't worry though, because it's (allegedly) a lot harder for the Corbynistas to rig the electoral system - though do watch out for those 99% statistically improbable postal votes for the opposition that are plonked on the table just when the relative piles seem to indicate you are home and dry! ;)

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In political terms you are not supposed to ask a question unless you know the answer.

From my own viewpoint I see all politics as a State of War between the parties.

Often the truth is in there but you have to search and perhaps remain aware of why people take up a certain political viewpoint.

At times of conflict all to often people do NOT listen to the other persons viewpoint.

Left or Right of politics should allow for the individual viewpoint but sadly it does not .

I could perhaps sum up certain arguments as 'What part of I'm right and your wrong do you not understand'.

Anyway back to the Green button, I now think I am able to decide when and if I decide to use the function.

The point from the start was to make people aware that the system exists.

Heaven forbid that anyone goes for vote rigging.

That would mean analysing the figures and we all know where that would lead.

We would be forced to decide who was left and who was right.

Perhaps leading us all to independent views .

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voting on someone's reputation? Mm .............


He who casts the first vote? What is he voting on? Blind faith perhaps?


No, I Think Malcom's idea is better. A post that exists can be voted on. A reputation that doesn't exist would present problems for the first voter. How would he know if the none existant reputation was good or bad or even what the reputation was?


3g, I Think you may have missed my point. Yes, there are going on for ½ million votes on the petition but there are going on for 63 million possible votes that are NOT on the petition. 

One can only speculate as to why this is. No agreement for the proposal could be one of them. I have to admit to being surprised at the low response to this petition given that  the UK electorate, in numbers not insignificant , voted in parties whose policies are so clearly anti-immigrant. I would have thought they'd be knocking down our Maggie in the stampede to get to the green button.


Stampede and knocking me down , no chance at all.

Who has time to cares about a green button!

Working out the system , now there is the challenge


I must have poor attention to detail as I had never noticed the green button whereas the star rating seemed familiar to me without ever intriguing me in the slightest.


Well I suppose you learn something new everyday. I shall now be scouring the forum for topics and posts that are worthy of such exalted status!


In political terms you are not supposed to ask a question unless you know the answer.

From my own viewpoint I see all politics as a State of War between the parties...


In politics (and the law) you ask questions to elicit a response that demonstrates the weakness of the position of the opposition, and their misunderstandings.


You aren't looking too hard then: present day politics is mostly a "State of War" within the parties!




No, I Think Malcom's idea is better. A post that exists can be voted on. A reputation that doesn't exist would present problems for the first voter. How would he know if the none existant reputation was good or bad or even what the reputation was?


3g, I Think you may have missed my point. Yes, there are going on for ½ million votes on the petition but there are going on for 63 million possible votes that are NOT on the petition. 

One can only speculate as to why this is. No agreement for the proposal could be one of them. I have to admit to being surprised at the low response to this petition given that  the UK electorate, in numbers not insignificant , voted in parties whose policies are so clearly anti-immigrant. I would have thought they'd be knocking down our Maggie in the stampede to get to the green button.


A rep score of 0 is still a rep.  It's there in the profile for all time.


This is la-la-leftie-land supposition, where sixteen year-olds and even babies have the life experience of mature adults.  Reference those hilarious trade union block votes of the past for a taste of how things are supposed to work.  Back in the real world If you aren't interested and/or can't be a**ed to vote then you don't count!  That one got Red Arthur because he knew that he couldn't carry the NUM membership into his strike to overthrow the government. Half a million votes is as good as it gets on gov.uk just at the moment.  98% of the propositions even I can't be bothered to vote on!


I actually know of no one who is "anti-immigrant".  Adopting a sane immigration policy is not being against immigrants, or even against immigration per-Se.  Nor is it against asylum seekers who are genuine asylum seekers.  Back in the 1990's mass immigration started being used as a tool by Labour to keep up its fading working class support.  We need to counter this cynical political manipulation of our population by calling a pause, and because of the clear and present danger presented by world Islam there's no time like the present.  No one will benefit more - from say a five year pause - than our existing immigrants. The penalty for inaction will be major bloodshed!

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I'm afraid you've lost me on the second paragraph, 3g. La-la lands, Babies and Red Arthur? However, moving on, I fail to understand why you've bothered to canvass votes for the proposal if half a million is as good as it gets on gov.uk. The required amount to get this off the mat and onto the table is one million - not a lot in a country withover sixty-three million inhabitants.


I'm almost lost on the third as well as I don't actually recall saying that you know of anyone who is anti-immigrant.

We would appear to have differing views on the meaning of anti-immigration. For me the Word 'immigration' holds no notion of time (other than permanency of Residence). The same can be said of Anti-immigration - it holds no notion of time. You can be anti immigrant for one day, one week, five years or throughout your Life. 


Maybe the case as 3g has said is 'eliciting a response that demonstrates the weakness of the position of the opposition and their misunderstandings'.

Controversy means a platform for expressing your opinions again and again with back up from any old source no matter how unproven or discredited.

People will make up their own minds.

Once the argument gets around to personal abuse I think the argument is lost.

Left or Right of politics that is our democracy .

That means an acceptance of Guardian readers as thinking people and not 'looney lefties'.

Sincerely held views!

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