Spuggy Posted July 7, 2016 Posted July 7, 2016 Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2016 The Welsh & Icelanders have joined England & Northern Ireland, they are out of the competition. The UK still has more than enough to play for… I was in the process of making a fresh pot of tea, relaxed music on Radio Bremen EINS drifting through my ears, Phil Collins singing “HIGH ON EMOTION”, great song, as it came to an end… WOW, I Thought, bloody Hell, I certainly am… Then all of a sudden, the height rocketed. I felt as if I’d just shot past that NASA contraption 'Welcome to Jupiter!' space probe thing. The content & implications of the first phrase of the 10:0 AM (MEZ) (CET) News had assimilated by my ageing, deteriorating, brain cells. Merkel verspricht Nato-Truppen für Polen und das Baltikum Bundeskanzlerin Merkel verspricht vier östlichen Nato-Mitgliedern dauerhaft stationierte Truppen - und kritisiert erneut Russlands Angriff auf die Souveränität der Ukraine. In ihrer Regierungserklärung hat Kanzlerin Angela Merkel den osteuropäischen Nato-Staaten Polen, Estland, Lettland und Litauen mehr Unterstützung zugesichert und die Ankündigung fester Nato-Truppenkontingente für die vier Staaten erneuert. My thoughts may, will potentially orbit the earth from somewhere in space… I switched on the “GOGGLE BOX” SKY NEWS use “GOGGLE BOXS” in pretty much the same way as an ever rotating quirl in a sewage plant. HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! THE USA!!! YOUR Special friends leading NATO, & their „Lap Dogs“… To Build up a new “STANDING ARMY”… for the USA This time on the territories of the former SOVIET UNION… The sheer contemplation is not “COLD WAR II” It’s the dawn of a FREEZING LOST PLANET!!! Have they completely lost the plot…??? “THE GREAT GAME MUST END” If you don’t know what “THE GREAT GAME” or a what “STANDING ARMY” is, Then please, I recommend you find out, fast, very fast… YESTERDAYS’ verbal Diarrhoea discharged by your “BLOOD on His Hands Mr. B-LAIR”!!! It will never dry up, the stench will be there for ever… There’s no “ANTI-SHIT” Spray available that is strong enough or could be dispensed to disperse it. Thank you Mr. B-LAIR for your (WMD) Biological Legacy I’m by no means jumping on any “Bandwagon”. For my defense, ask GCHQ, BND, or the NSA where all the digital data eventually lands to be filtered. At least one of the above named can verify that “SPUGGY” through his IP ADRESS had attempted to Post a Topic on the Bedlington.co.uk (SPUGGY) Website. Why I don’t Know why, but after two failed attempts, The “SITE” had frozen, saying I had to log in again. Does that mean that my attempts did transfer something, somehow to somewhere. Perhaps they live on in the land of virtual reality, or worse. I decided to knock it on the head & went to bed. Was it my incompetence, probably. I don’t know everything. I’d still like to find out, how to upload some scanned photos in a posting, or as individual photos. Hints would be welcome. I’m not a conspiracy follower, I’m a just curious (At the moment) still free to be an “English” Citizen with an open mind. They taught me at school to ask questions if you want an answer. I remember vividly being told by (Mr. Herd, English Teacher at Marton Boarding School) that “KIDS” are goats & not children, is that true, are “KIDS” not goats, just children??? As yet no black cars have arrived outside the house, no unexpected visitors have called, my telephone & On Line provider the Deutsche Telekom AG have not capped anything. Why should a State Controlled Shareholder Corporation want to cap anything that would reduce profits. State Controlled Shareholder Corporation. What a contradiction to itself. The men from the “Funny Farm” didn’t come either Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho, He, He, Ha, Ha… Never mind!!! This is a redacted version of a redacted version that still contains much of what I wanted to post on Monday. Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2016 Presently the IMPERIAL LEADSOME speech, is really giving me a headache… A Cry for the Return of the Empire...The Greatest NATION ON EARTH, in what context, are her incomplete platitudes & phrases meant… No DEPTH or SUBSTANCE in her LIMMERICK – POETRY, the “Clapping MONKEY’s, where do they all come from… China, Moscow, North Korea…Washington, Wall Street??? I listen, to hear & I view to see, using various sources, just to attain a view of what’s going on back Hjem in Bedlington, the place where I come from. I don’t leave out the stuff that’s going on in world at large either. I enjoy & employ the use of: “Geordie”, English, German, French & Norwegian (Ny Norsk) to help me on the way… I know we all pursue our own personal persuasions for our own personal reasons, quite rightly so, it’s a democratic right, for all. It must remain that way. How do you interact & become wiser without being able to ask questions??? We don’t go to war, we are sent to war… Perhaps I’m just a “News Masochist”. I don’t enjoy or relish everything I’m told, & I do prefer to hear the raw statements. The original statements, fresh from the “Horses Mouth” I think I’m able to come to my own conclusions, thank you. I reflect on my own past experiences. I am able to read, write, speak & ask questions. I agree with Jeremy Corbyn, no one has to accept anything. Statements that haven’t been digitally adulterated, or misinterpreted by incompetent translation. I don’t shut out, deliberate & “FALSE” Interpretation to mislead & redirect judgement, especially between GERMAN & ENGLISH. Context & Symantics are of the essence. IMPERIAL LEADSOME: I will not use peoples lives as bargaining chips, in some negotiations??? IMPERIAL LEADSOME has not yet finished her speech, but I say to her, exactly, word for word, the same as I said about Mr NUTTALL, you will find it further down in this POST. Phillip HAMMOND being a versatile competitor at “Musical chairs” He IS GOBBING ON ABOUT FREEDOM § 50 & THE CHALLENGES OF THE EU with great & measured reluctance. He is facing very poignant questions, while beating about the bush (AS USUAL) as to the existence or whereabouts of any plan concerning “BREXIT”. Next Sunday he’s having dinner with his EU counterparts. I ask you who,who amongst these counterparts are going to interested & listen to him in supportive manner about anything he would have to say. Their positions have also been cast into turmoil & hang in the balance Why don’t the politicians (GOVERNMENTS) clean up their acts, & aspire to provide us with a SAFE unperturbed democratic free world for everyone on it & anyone else, if they are still in space. A world with: Mo malice, No Scrooges, No discrimination, just freedom to choose, freedom to Speak… We have so many decent aspirations, Yes, even the Freedom, to believe in anything you want, I believe in returning to my homeland, being able to walk the forests & fields of my youth. Visiting the beaches, especially on a “Spring Tide” picking up mussels & willicks, harvesting lobsters. Why in this POST WW II ATOMIC AGE of NUCLEAR OBLIVION… Is it still not possible to live peace without fear??? Get rid of the elocution “WAZZOCKS”. I’m not a loony, I haven’t escaped from some cognitive disorder rehabilitation or detention Centre, although there will be those, who think to the contrary. I believe in the right to be free, with the right to be frank, open, outspoken, to speak & correspond in the liberated absence of enslavement, restraint, coercion, constraint, subdued by the power of another, my list would be endless. If you want to participate & keep what you have, or get back what you think you have lost. YOU just like ME & everybody else have to respect the simple fact, freedom ends when you deny equal rights & participation to others… Just like democracy… YOU CAN’T SPREAD DEMOCRACY when the person you’re talking to is looking down the barrel of YOUR GUN or even worse. The indiscriminate killing, the liquidation, of people with drones. How long do you think it will take for others, for those on the receiving end, who are not partial to the methods being used, become able to return the same with compliments. Be it with a boomerang, or a scud no one wants to be on the receiving end. At present, we still enjoy SOME freedom of speech & expression, will we lose all of it??? THIS POST BY THE WAY… Is a redaction of an already redacted version…that I tried to post on Monday & I failed. I have strong, proud feelings about my home town, I’m not ashamed of anything that has to do with the Bedlingtonshire of my youth. In those days I lived in a NATIONALISED UK… It wasn’t perfect, nothing is… But the perception was, that it was it OK… Better than today… mmmh… I recall the unnecessary loss of lives in “The Crater, Aden, & Cyprus” to name only three negatives… Do we really have to go on repeating the same kind of mistakes??? Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2016 SKY has obliviously chosen to ride on the Imperial Leadsome, no mention of her contenders. Do “SKY” Murdoch, & his subsidiaries, deliberately employ gossip mongers, tautology experts with speech impediments & reduced cognitive brain skills??? This also was intended to be posted on Montag, 5th. Juli 2016 Boris Johnson, “EAT-ON MESS” & Nigel Farage “I’ve done my S(H)bit!” They are both electoral disasters… Rule Britannia, Britannia Rules The Waves, on many occasions, I even sang this myself… After running a very divisive, & disruptive campaign, no plan, no compass, just financed by “HELL” knows who or whom!!! Their “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, having ST(I)EERED the UK & EUROPE “On to the Rock’s… Both are now foundering, foundering badly, stormy weather is brewing up around them, more severity is imminent… What a weather forecast!!! YOU, I, WE… We are, we were all left behind, sitting on a Asshole Chair, while OSBORNE is dishing out economic & political challenges, by slashing Corporation Tax to raise yours, he tries to show the world, the UK is still open for business. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will today urge business leaders to unite around the message of a Scotland open for business,... “FULL STEAM AHEAD CAPTAIN, FULL STEAM AHEAD…FULL STEAM AHEAD, IT IS… On board the “Yellow Submarine”… Submerged & left in the dark, when will we know what’s going on, because we still don’t know, where we’re going, or what we’re going to do we get when we get there! There’s no one at the helm, the Oarsmen on both sides of the ship are absolutely knackered. They are more content with in fighting or pulling their own, or each others plonker & diddling with the defunct RUDDER. Mr. BJ. F-U & Mr. N. F-U Kip Ukip (Johnson & Farage) They have exchanged their ‘billet-doux’ & with a ‘ballyhoo, toodle-loo, the ‘dickless-faggots”, have jumped ship… When the responsible relinquish their responsibility!!! There are times in British History, when this would be classed as “TREASON” My family name is shrinking, the few, become fewer. I wonder what my forefathers would say, not just those ravaged away by the plague, but those who paid the ultimate price for what’s going to be the left overs of what is left, if anything is left, to be left??? Why did we pay that price, For what, they might ask? ? ? YOU WILL SAY: I’VE GOT MY COUNTRY BACK, what country, they will ask??? SOVEREIGNTY, what sovereignty, they will ask??? FREEDOM, what freedom, they will ask??? CONTROL of our BORDERS what control, which borders, & our DEMOCRACY whose democracy they will ask??? The PEOPLES ARMY WILL PREVAIL WHO ARE THE PEOPLE, they will ask??? OVER ANTI DEMOCRATIC EU WHERE IS YOUR ARMY, they will ask??? I IMAGINE THEY WOULD ALSO SAY: WE, THE PEOPLE, WE PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE, WE PAVED THE WAY FOR YOU TO LIVE IN PEACE…CAN’T YOU, OR WON’T YOU REALISE, THAT ALL OF YOU, YES THAT MEANS EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET… YOU ALREADY, LIVE IN A GLOBAL MARKET. EVERYONE LIVES ON THE SAME PLANET, WAKE UP…YOU NUGGETS!!! (No offense meant, I mean Gold Nuggets) MY PERCEPTIONS TELL ME, FRICTION IS HOT, IT CAN GET VERY HOT, If it get’s Too Hot, it will COMBUST, combustion is BAD, it BURNS… Only ASHES REMAIN!!! No thank you, to friction…We need no friction with our neighbors, we need no friction with anyone… How can you see what's going on ahead if you're always looking back to mind your back My hope(s) are, is… At the end of this ongoing storm, I don’t know, how long it will go on, you don’t know, we all don’t know, we haven’t got a clue, how long it will go on I’ve said enough about the plan, wait & see, have a cuppa tea, is not an option. The need is there for everyone, to roll up their sleeves & do as much as they can to master the “JOB” at hand, so that we all can live a better life in a great place. The EU is, as it was, & it still is, a festering ABSCESS, a bloody big “KRAKATOA” of a “BOIL” on the verge of, ready, to go plopppp!!! The spread of matter will be awesome, TSUNAMI class. Some will get it, some will get it even more… Nobody wants it, everyone can do without it! Where does the “ARTISAN BREAD POULTICE” come from to prevent a (the) pending eruption, it will have to be very big to contain the matter, bubbling on the brink. Healing the damage, that’s already been done, well, mmmh…. Tell me please, WHO is going to prepare the poultice, WHO is going to apply it. WHO is going to conduct the necessary negotiations regarding, TRADE, IMPORT, EXPORT, MIGRATION, REFUGEES, SECURITY, FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT,………………….The List Would Be Endless. I propose that we all, yes everyone must somehow get involved in the process, each & everyone of us, the young the old & the bold. None of us are without fault, so let’s get on with it. Learn from each other & positively interact with each other, in forging a good, an honest, a better future for all. We dare not be complacent & forget the past, it looms around us, reminding us that it still divides us, even today. It’s was also a main cause of people choosing to vote out. e.g.; The failures of one single man, a man who served us best, still remain to be resolved today. The failures of many, many more who served us even worse, I would not want to count them. Reconciliation is necessary to go forward, Thatcher, the HATCHETER & Falklands Glory came later. The dividers, some are dead, the rest where possible should make acquaintance with “Jurisprudence” & be held to account. NOW… TOMORROW… a little bit of “Black SABBATH”, it is a chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0W91FrTlYk “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps the end of the beginning… The Imperial monster, the man who once said that, a fervent supporter of the British Empire. Many of the mistakes we face today, were instigated by incompetents before WW I was concluded. Churchill dropped many a big bollock on his way through life, he did not make all of the mistakes: Ask your special friend Obama about Kikuyu “blackamoors”??? Ask Kurds, Afghans & the Ottoman troops what they think about chemicals, being discharged from the heaven above them.??? Ask the Indians of British India who survived starvation, because they breed like rabbits.??? Ask descendants of the Rhondda miners in south Wales, about a dispute between workers & the mine owners.??? Ask Muslims how they feel about his attitude towards Islam when he served as Colonial Secretary - for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.??? Ask the Anzacs what do they feel about Gallipoli??? There are many, many more negatives’… Thankfully, with our back against the wall, the above mentioned was brought to the Helm, & was able to lead us through, from the greatest storm our Island had ever experienced. We endured, the storm 1939–45 it went on for six years, the Empire was in demise… We shall never surrender… The BREXIT commanders who led their grossly ill informed followers, have scarpered, they’ve done a bunk… Mr. N.F-U, Ukip (FARAGE) has said: "I have never been, & I have never wanted to be, a career politician. My aim in being in politics was to get Britain out of the European Union.” SPUGGY asks Mr. N.F-U, Ukip (FARAGE) WHY, did you do what you did & most of all, for who or for whom, did you do it, how much did you pocket, I would ask of him??? Mr. Boris Johnson, Alias Mr. “EAT-ON MESS” The man who swapped sides, -as his tenure as Mayor, it being on the ebb- this Conservative politician & former London mayor who led the "Leave" campaign, the one who ruled himself out of the race to replace Cameron as prime minister. What he called “the punchline,” he unleashed was a stunner, saying that the country needed a leader to take it in a new direction but that “I have concluded that person cannot be me.” “Boris engineered the largest constitutional crisis in post-war history but won’t even put his name forward to clear it up?” tweeted University of Manchester political scientist Rob Ford. SPUGGY asks Mr. Boris Johnson, Alias Mr. “EAT-ON MESS” WHY, did you do what you did & most of all, who did you do it for & how much have you pocketed??? BREXIT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT NEGOTIATIONS & CONDITIONS FOR OUR FUTURE: Everything needs to be democratically controlled. Honest accountability from responsible politicians, accountable to the people. Much more scrutiny must be directed towards their selection. Where are the politicians conduct themselves in a proper civilized manner. Our politicians they themselves are in a dire mess, made by themselves. Before anything can resolved, we need honest reliable people. With regret, anxious, & worried, I recall what the first Post WW II Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of the BRD said when questioned, why did he have NAZIS in his Government. „Daß es im neuen Auswärtigen Amt von alten Nazis wimmelte (einflußreich in der Personalpolitik: Hans Globke), Da hält er es jedoch mit Konrad Adenauer, der lehrte: "Man schüttet kein dreckiges Wasser aus, wenn man kein reines hat." YOU DON’T THROW DIRTY WATER AWAY, WHEN YOU HAVE NO FRESH WATER. Who is it, who are the politicians working for anyway??? Think of what the majority of people aspire for & strive to achieve in their life… GOOD HEALTH & GOOD HEALTH CARE SERVICES… GOOD HOUSING… GOOD EDUCATION… GOOD EMPOYMENT… GOOD FAIR PAY… GOOD FOOD… GOOD PENSIONS… THESE ARE JUST THE BASICS… Our European neighbors want the same…YOUR special friends want the same… AFRICANS, IRISH, RUSSIANS, CHINESE, ESKIMOS, MAORIS, ABORIGINES, RED INDIANS… Well… VIRTUALLY, EVERYONE ON THE PLANET WANTS OR DESIRES The SAME WW I & WW II, Churchill always thought he was running a global war, there were always going to be conflicting priorities & demands. His mother remember, was one of YOUR special friends. He said about war. "It's an incredibly complex & evolving situation.” & that he was not always going to get everything right." He was dead right with that statement, he didn’t get everything right, & he paid the price for it. Winston Churchill was brought to fall by the very heart of his own, personal political belief. The supreme right of every voter, with his or her little pencil, to decide who governs the country. 1945 THE WAR IN EUROPE IS OVER Labour resolved not to repeat the Liberals' error of 1918, & promptly withdrew from government, on trade union insistence, to contest the 1945 general election in opposition to Churchill‘s Conservatives. Surprising many observers, Labour won a formidable victory, winning just under 50% of the vote with a majority of 159 seats. Step down Winston, step forward Clement Attlee After the Conservative Party lost the 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition to the Labour Government. He publicly warned of an "Iron Curtain" of Soviet influence in Europe & promoted European unity. After winning the 1951 election, Churchill again became Prime Minister. Off he went again, this imperial swashbuckler gallivanting around the globe, fighting, fighting, fighting when he ought to have channeled his authority in office to protect our homes! He pursued everything in defense of an Empire in demise. His second term was preoccupied by foreign affairs, including the Malayan Emergency, Mau Mau Uprising, Korean War, & a UK-backed coup d'état in Iran. He, was just like all of us, none of us is infallible. Some of us, have had to pay the price for our ill judgment’s, some others don’t, they just claim immunity through their office & the like. Winston Churchill, he truly was a man admired by many. I’m not sorry to have named my son Winston after him. BUT WHY, DID HE, & MANY POLITICIANS BEFORE & AFTER HIM… Why were they, why aren’t they able to concentrate, & think about that, what normal people is of great importance to them in their lives. GOOD HEALTH & GOOD FUNCTIONAL HEALTH SERVICES GOOD HOUSING… GOOD EDUCATION… GOOD EMPOYMENT… GOOD FAIR PAY… GOOD FOOD… GOOD PENSIONS… He, they are all just like one of the “Three” Mizaru, Kikazaru & Iwazaru, Three for One, all in one person. Do these Japanese snow macaques represent the fundamentals one must have in order to study PPE: Philosophy, Politics & Economics Or is it PPE: Personal protective equipment - referring to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, to become immune & oblivious to the everyday business & concerns of their constituents. Surprise, surprise, Kenneth Clarke & Malcolm Leslie Rifkind are eroding the options for both a new “Party Coronation” competition & “Post Divorce” conditions with the EU. Today… when I think of the “BREXIT-TIERS”!!! Should the United Kingdom & Gibraltar remain a member of the EU or leave the European Union “Never in the field of human conflict has so much damage been done onto so many by so few.” UK Population 65,102,385 Estimate 2016 BREXIT Votes that force the UK Out of EU 1,269,409 When BREXIT-BORIS came to what he called “the punchline,” he unleashed a stunner, saying that the country needed a leader to take it in a new direction but that: “I have concluded that person cannot be me.” “Boris engineered the largest constitutional crisis in post-war history but won’t even put his name forward to clear it up?” tweeted University of Manchester political scientist Rob Ford. Brexit has exposed how ignorant the educated & cosmopolitan have become about modern Britain http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/brexit-eu-referendum-ignorant-educated-cosmopolitan-modern-britain-a7116836.html The gravitational pull of aspiration, central to Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan’s brand of conservatism, has faded as trickle-down economics betrayed so many people BECAUSE OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCES… I SAY BE WARY OF YOUR SPECIAL FRIENDS! Jean-Claude Juncker One of the indefatigable, infallible members of EU Parliament. He will brazenly defend his doing, even beyond the end. Just like B-LAIR, “Dodgy Dave & BORIS & all other politicians like them. Naturally all will seek to admonish themselves in defense of their ill-founded deeds, everything, was always the right thing to do… Even contrary to the facts. Wednesday, July 06, 2016 IRAQ INQUIRY Mr. B-LAIR - I think we live in a better & safer place... SPUGGY Thinks of how well, the well rehearsed tremble in Mr. B-LAIRS’ statement was delivered… I wager he will shortly endeavor to revive Macbeth… Duncan, mind Your back. Anthony, Alistair, Jack & George are still on the loose. The war was based on "flawed intelligence", planning for the aftermath was "wholly inadequate" & the armed forces were let down. Sir John Chilcot said in a series of damning verdicts that shame Mr Blair and his government. SPUGGY says the armed forces are being let down yet AGAIN, the same as they have been, many, many times, in the past. Despite being let down, they are always resolute in extinguishing the embers on the carpet, thus preventing the house going up in smoke. HOW many of our veterans are wasting away their lives in HM Prisons because they never received adequate rehabilitation attention. These blokes These people, , brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, mothers & fathers, those who put their heads above & beyond the parapets of reason. They voluntarily put their own lives in peril, on a daily basis, in order to ward off danger for us, so they were told. You can’t hide the gaping holes or scars left behind by conflict, physical or psychological, you can only be part of the help to contain them. You can’t even see or feel mental phenomena being suffered. I along with many others will never agree that those who died or were injured made their sacrifice in vain. They all fought in the defining global security struggle(s), not only those of the 21st Century. They fought against the indiscriminate terrorism & violence which destroys lives & devastates communities the world over, so they were told. Their sacrifice should always be remembered, remembered with honour in our providing help & support to those who came through, bereaved deserve the same, no less. When will the struggle be over Mr.B-LAIR - I know some of the bereaved families cannot & do not accept this is. Mr.B-LAIR - I know there are those who can never forget or forgive me for the having taken this decision and who think that I took it dishonestly. SPUGGY – B-LAIR – SOUNDS LIKE THE HEAD OF THE BREXIT CAMPAIGN… no plan. Where did the “Violent Terrorists” come from? One man's meat is another man's poison. For some he’s a “Patriotic Hero”, for others a “Barbaric Terrorist”. The damage, possibly, irreparable damage, that could destroy (your) our way of life as (you) we knew it has been done without BREXIT. BREXIT makes it worse. We are in limbo, something that we don’t know anything about, is developing, it may even be more disastrous, than the crap, we already have, something we never, never, ever, would have wanted. There are a lot of people out there thinking that it won’t be that difficult to “Bump Start” some new trade deals, now that really is, “wishful thinking” (HIROSHIMA). The way the UK & all participants have presented themselves, is far fetched & not real, to be polite. The UK is stretched out prone over a Big unstable Barrel, rocking to & fro with ill fitting underpants, having slid down around their ankles. The Crows Carrion Crows & all others of the species, can pick & choose, what, where, when & if they want to descend onto the butt. Yes it’s a big market on far distant shores, you only have to cross the channel to find it, but are people queuing to buy. Nope is the answer, why should they, time & essence is on their side. The British pound falls again & heads for parity against euro. Wouldn’t you wait for a better bargain? Wednesday, July 06, 2016 European Parliament: F-U Kip Paul Nuttall MEP commented: “The British people have spoken and threats and bullying are not the answer to the questions the UK leaving the European Union has thrown up. “The UK and Europe are joined by geography, culture, history and trade and that will not change. Therefore it is imperative on so many levels that we are good, healthy trading neighbours. “We owe it to the citizens of both the UK and Europe to conduct these negotiations in a grown up manner so we can get the best deal for everyone.” We the British have a huge trading deficit with European Union. 60 billion pounds last year alone. Millions of jobs on the continent are dependent on British trade. We are the French farmers biggest market place - purchasing 35 million bottles of champagne alone last year. We are the German car manufacturers largest market, buying 800,000 German cars last year. The last thing any of us want in my country and here is a tariff war as it will be mutually destructive for both of our economies. The UK and Europe are joined by geography, culture, history and trade and that will not change. Therefore it is imperative on so many levels that we are good, healthy trading neighbours. We owe to the citizens of both the UK and Europe to conduct these negotiations in a grown up manner so we can get the best deal for everyone. SPUGGY suggests: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE KIDDING, Mr. F-U Kip NUTTALL??? DO YOU REALLY THINK WE IN EUROPE ARE SO STUPID? WE KNOW IT IS YOU, WHO WANTS SOMETHING FROM US, NOW PLEASE… GO AWAY & THINK ABOUT IT, What most people are overlooking is that the EU Construct has been allowed to fester & morph into a gigantic, unrestrained Moloch, it won’t move any where fast. Without cross party, cooperation supported by dedicated, durable, decisive determination, you don’t have a chance or even budging it. It only took one single man to keep the UK outside of the Common Market until 1973: Mon Général Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2016 England, the UK when it sits at any table for any discussions, be it about §50 & everything else. She is sitting with an open hand, opposite 27 who will readily amalgamate, against her. Special Friends will be of no help to the UK, the “Lap Dogs” in Europe are already trotting in line behind them. POLITICIANS MUST REALIZE: THEY WILL ONLY REAP FROM THAT WHAT THEY SOW… DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU NO ONE CAN ENJOY LIFE IF THEY HAVE TO LOOK OUT FOR THE REAPER I Respect all Religions, I ABSOLUTELY & UNCONDITIONALLY DISPISE THE USE, MISUSE & PERVERSION OF RELIGION IN POLITICS! POLITICS…HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!!! Discussion about the Qur'an has been a chosen TOPIC by some people in Bedlington, Europe, Canada & Australia if I can correctly recollect. I mean no disrespect to anyone, when I say “smokescreens” help no one when you want to find out the facts. (Oldest First) SMOKESCREEN (1) The Torah SEMITES ZIONISTS The Torah (/ˈtɔːrəˌˈtoʊrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה, "Instruction, Teaching"), or the Pentateuch (/ˈpɛntəˌtuːk, -ˌtjuːk/), is the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. It has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books of the twenty-four books of the Tanakh, and it usually includes the perushim (rabbinic commentaries). The term "Torah" means instruction and offers a way of life for those who follow it; it can mean the continued narrative from Book of Genesis to the end of the Tanakh, and it can even mean the totality of Jewish teaching, culture and practice. Common to all these meanings, Torah consists of the foundational narrative of Jewish peoplehood: their call into being by God, their trials and tribulations, and their covenant with their God, which involves following a way of life embodied in a set of moral and religious obligations and civil laws (halakha). In rabbinic literature the word "Torah" denotes both the five books (Hebrew: תורה שבכתב "Torah that is written") as well as the Oral Torah (תורה שבעל פה, "Torah that is spoken"). The Oral Torah consists of interpretations and amplifications which according to rabbinic tradition have been handed down from generation to generation and are now embodied in the Talmud and Midrash. According to rabbinic tradition, all of the teachings found in the Torah, both written and oral, were given by God through Moses, a prophet, some of them at Mount Sinai and others at the Tabernacle, and all the teachings were written down by Moses, which resulted in the Torah we have today. SMOKESCREEN (2) THE BIBLE, New Testament, Old Testament & Derivatives a collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. It is a collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. Jews and Christians consider the books of the Bible to be a product of divine inspiration or an authoritative record of the relationship between God and humans. It was common practice in England to swear by the “Holy Bible” in the face of God. SMOKESCREEN (3) Qur'an or Koran Shia Islam Sunni Islam Wahhabism Qur'an or Koran is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله, Allah). It is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language. The Quran is divided into chapters called suras, which are then divided into verses, called ayahs. The Quran assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in the Biblical scriptures. It summarizes some, dwells at length on others and, in some cases, presents alternative accounts and interpretations of events. The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance. It sometimes offers detailed accounts of specific historical events, and it often emphasizes the moral significance of an event over its narrative sequence. The Quran is used along with the hadith to interpret sharia law. During prayers, the Quran is recited only in Arabic. Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death. Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracle of Muhammad, a proof of his prophethood, and the culmination of a series of divine messages that started with the messages revealed to Adam and ended with Muhammad WOW! North Tyneside – DIY Ambulance kits!!!
Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) Posted July 7, 2016 Posted July 7, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, Spuggy said: I don’t know everything. I’d still like to find out, how to upload some scanned photos in a posting, or as individual photos. Hints would be welcome. I read your posting Spuggy but by the time I got to the end I thought I had done something I vowed never to do, read War & Peace! Too add some photographic evidence to your postings you could try the following :- Edited July 7, 2016 by Eggy1948 1
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