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Breakfast Mad Turbin Wearer?


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"he's got city and guilds in... desktop publishing" - SFA, 2001

Who has? Colonel_Misery?

I never knew! Congratulations!

Really though, whats the point in all of this !*!@#? You cant go on at people for bickering like children and then sit there doing it yourselves.


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Who has? Colonel_Misery?

I never knew! Congratulations!

Really though, whats the point in all of this !*!@#? You cant go on at people for bickering like children and then sit there doing it yourselves.


bravo to you blank!

desktop publishing mm thats what I've always wanted to do! not

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His point?

Are you clever enough to be a doctor or a nurse? Bearing in mind you can't even spell words correctly in your native language?

In short, shut the **** up about immigrants you pig-ignorant, no-nothing ****.

And that's swearing.

Seriously, was there any need? :mellow:

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What's really disturbing is that people are actually watching breakfast TV or maybe they've just looked-up from reading that appalling rag The Daily Mail.

Be grateful for living in a rich, multi-cultural society. Celebrate the black & Asian nurses and doctors who'll care for you when you're rushed into hospital. Be thankful for the Polish plumber who'll fix the leak. Maybe they worked hard to get-on in life, get qualified to help others; they probably didn't waste their lives watching morning TV and reading that hate-filled rag.

When the pits and yards closed the parents of many of my school friends had to move away from the North East to find work - economic migrants. Many of these friends now live all over the world and have been welcomed by the locals; Diasporas happen all the time, shame on those who attack other groups! Maybe they just have fantasies of dressing-up in black uniforms, doing high-stepping marches and shouting orders.

Oh symptoms....

Your post is lovely and I salute you...

Right...One thing that has alarmed me about the path that this discussion has taken is that the prevailing argument seems to be "my racism is okay, but if the other fella holds equally discriminatory beliefs about me then I'm perfectly within my rights to get all shirty about it". Racism is a two way street but that doesn't make it right - and believe me I'm no supporter of positive discrimination, whether you are man, woman, hermaphrodite, frog, banana, jew, Queen of Sheba or what. Which is what the black chap whose name I've forgotten appears to have been arguing.

I think the one thing that has come out of this discussion is that the turban-clad chap who agreed that you shouldn't be able to get into the police force without the correct qualifications is Sikh. I've met a few Sikh folk (and I can count at least one amongst my friends) and I would like to make a couple of points 1.) The vast majority of Sikh folk can not in any way be described as "!*!@#'s" for the simple reason that they were displaced as a consequence of the partition of India - the birth of Pakistan caused this group to have to move out of an area where they had lived for about 800 to 1000 years B) the vast majority of Sikh's are tightly involved in their local community here regardless of colour or creed (and not just with people from the Indian sub continent). Sunderland Temple are a very good example of this.

It's a bit more subtle than white/brown/black....It would be useful if there was a little less polarisation and a little more experience brought into the discussion...

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Oh symptoms....

Your post is lovely and I salute you...

Right...One thing that has alarmed me about the path that this discussion has taken is that the prevailing argument seems to be "my racism is okay, but if the other fella holds equally discriminatory beliefs about me then I'm perfectly within my rights to get all shirty about it". Racism is a two way street but that doesn't make it right - and believe me I'm no supporter of positive discrimination, whether you are man, woman, hermaphrodite, frog, banana, jew, Queen of Sheba or what. Which is what the black chap whose name I've forgotten appears to have been arguing.

I think the one thing that has come out of this discussion is that the turban-clad chap who agreed that you shouldn't be able to get into the police force without the correct qualifications is Sikh. I've met a few Sikh folk (and I can count at least one amongst my friends) and I would like to make a couple of points 1.) The vast majority of Sikh folk can not in any way be described as "!*!@#'s" for the simple reason that they were displaced as a consequence of the partition of India - the birth of Pakistan caused this group to have to move out of an area where they had lived for about 800 to 1000 years B) the vast majority of Sikh's are tightly involved in their local community here regardless of colour or creed (and not just with people from the Indian sub continent). Sunderland Temple are a very good example of this.

It's a bit more subtle than white/brown/black....It would be useful if there was a little less polarisation and a little more experience brought into the discussion...

wey at least you didn't say "shut the **** up about immigrants you pig-ignorant, no-nothing ****." quoted to me by the charming colonel **** face! :lol::lol::lol:

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how do you stop a !*!@# tank? shoot the !*!@# pushing it!

how to you disarm a !*!@# missile? cut the rubber band!

i know there terrible! :blink:

ps if you want to make the jokes no racist change !*!@# to european or english! thats not racist!!!!!cause where to soft!

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how do you stop a !*!@# tank? shoot the !*!@# pushing it!

how to you disarm a !*!@# missile? cut the rubber band!

i know there terrible! :blink:

ps if you want to make the jokes no racist change !*!@# to european or english! thats not racist!!!!!cause where to soft!

Your right Monsta

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Guest stinky skidmark

You're locked in a room with Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, and a Pakistani. You have a gun with ONLY two bullets.What do you do?

>Shoot the Pakistani twice to make sure he's dead. :lol::lol::lol:

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You're locked in a room with Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, and a Pakistani. You have a gun with ONLY two bullets.What do you do?

>Shoot the Pakistani twice to make sure he's dead. :lol::lol::lol:

I`d shove a bullet up each nose to hide the smell of Saddam and Hitler,they`d be rammin! :D

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His point?

Are you clever enough to be a doctor or a nurse? Bearing in mind you can't even spell words correctly in your native language?

In short, shut the **** up about immigrants you pig-ignorant, no-nothing ****.

And that's swearing.

Maybe he is but can't get near a job because of all the immigrants being imported to do these jobs as reported in all the papers at the weekend, our doctors and nurses are being told to do charity work abroad if they want to do the job.And I'm not just talking of whites you pig ignorant,narrow minded colonel of absolute no knowledge :P

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Maybe he is but can't get near a job because of all the immigrants being imported to do these jobs as reported in all the papers at the weekend, our doctors and nurses are being told to do charity work abroad if they want to do the job.And I'm not just talking of whites you pig ignorant,narrow minded colonel of absolute no knowledge :P

To right! and i don't even think he would have what it takes to be come a colonel! so it must be private !*!@# for brains!! :lol:

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