pilgrim Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 but on a final note --can there be any better thing at the end of a long day than a hot bath and a cream (crème??) egg?? hedonism at its best!!!
moe19 Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 (edited) I wunda if thou would dare post one of those postas insultin the Christian faith if it was insultin the Muslim faith lad , sum how I doubt it as thy would be cacking thyself waiting for a knock ont door . I think all this runnin from shop ta shop imspectin all the choccy eggs has sent thee dollay tap lad, or mevies thy has been suppin awer much of that spotted hen thy gans on aboot, But I supoose thy canit help been gormless bonny lad it must cum natural like. Edited March 10, 2018 by moe19
pilgrim Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 this was actually posted by an acquaintance of many years who is a 'druid' and I thought I (or should that be one?) would share the moment. I am open to all thoughts and opinions, however I would like to see a truly genuine and attributable original 'Christian' festival date. I never inspect crème eggs - (nearest stockist is the village shop and then its 22 mile round trip to contrast and compere with another vendor and I have better things to do)- I do not have the patience or the will to delay the enjoyment (and the spotty hens may give brown eggs but they def not choccy) in a similar way that brown cows eat green grass but only give white milk -- there's a song there somewhere..... The only knock on the door I dread is from the Mormons or Jehovah's types -- although having both a certificate of ordination and articles of ministry helps -- I can wear those like garlic and silver bullets against those intruders and be happy in my own world.
pilgrim Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 btw -- doolally tap - the Indian transit camp in the days of the raj where folk went a 'bit distracted' hence the significance of tapping the head to indicate a 'bit touched' -- oo summat else we got from them foreigners lol
pilgrim Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 ops forgot to add - as an aside http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43336409 1
moe19 Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 (edited) Three of the trot, thy must be riled up hinny, mevies thee is egg boownd. thy cartinly seems full of sumic Edited March 10, 2018 by moe19
Canny lass Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 On 2018-03-07 at 22:03, Canny lass said: Easter.jpg not available to me. Seen it now. Big like!
Canny lass Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 On 2018-03-09 at 17:01, Les Reid said: But my last word on this topic I saw on Facebook last Sunday when it was reported the Australian senate discussed the missing word EASTER on the Easter eggs sold across Australia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I stand corrected on the words, and have amended the above, as I never use Facebook for discussions etc. Apart from that Canny Lass, the topic has run its course and should really finish on a happy note. Lesmes/Les Reid (to whom shall I address my reply?) Nobody is disputing or correcting your choice of words. I understood perfectly what you were referring to: a post on Facebook which made reference to a report that “the Australian senate [having] discussed the missed word EASTER on Easter eggs sold across Australia”. You have no need to feel that you “stand corrected”. I do not use Facebook, so I politely requested from you a link to that report (BTW, I haven’t as yet received it). It sounds to me that you view this discussion as some sort of ‘fight’ with talk of “winners” and “happy endings”. I view it only as a discussion. When all is said and done, this is a discussion forum and if you choose to initiate a discussion by introducing a new topic then you must be aware that other people may join in the discussion. You should also be aware that others may not share your views and that the content of your post may well be subject to scrutiny and even opposition. However, you have the same rights of scrutiny and opposition should you care to use them. The topic you posted is not only interesting and – as I’m sure you’ve now discovered – even controversial. Never the less it is one which SHOULD be taken up and aired because it’s not really about Easter eggs, is it. It’s about ethnic minorities, something which Rosco cottoned on to immediately. Rosco also had the b@lls to honestly express his personal opinion on the subject. OK, Rosco didn’t answer your question as to who had removed the word but he’d clearly ‘noticed’ and equally clearly agreed that the word Easter had been removed and even offered an explanation as to why. I, on the other hand, hadn’t ’noticed’, despite having looked at numerous Easter egg displays the previous week and having just ordered a selection of Easter eggs on line. I couldn’t therefore agree with your hypothesis that the word ‘Easter’ had been removed from “our” – or indeed anybody else’s – Easter eggs. I also had the necessary metaphoric b@lls to say so. That has clearly perturbed you. That was not my intention. Further support for my opposition to your hypothesis came from Steve Turnbull, who also had seen the word Easter on Cadbury eggs, Vic Patterson, found one (Cadbury’s) in Canada and Moe found one in Morrison’s – presumably somewhere in the North East of England – so, I still maintain that the word has not been removed. However, I’m open-minded and can be persuaded otherwise if you can discredit the evidence I’ve offered or at least come up with some evidence to the contrary.
Canny lass Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 Next, you went on to claim that “it’s our national tradition to call them Easter eggs”. I was prepared initially to accept that it may be a national tradition in Britain to call an Easter egg an Easter egg, after all we are a logical people with a relatively good education system, but then it was pointed out to me that the word Easter was used extremely sparsely on Easter eggs from 1970 to 2000. Having checked that claim, I have to say that it is correct. So, while there may well be a long oral tradition of calling an Easter egg an Easter egg it does not appear to be a tradition adopted by the manufacturing fraternity. As yet, you have not chosen to (or been able to) provide me with any evidence of this manufacturing ‘tradition’. As to your assertion that “the topic has run its course”, I beg to inform you that it’s not you who decides on such matters. We live in a democracy, which gives us freedom of speech (and, FYI, even religion). The topic will have “run its course when the last person who wishes to contribute to the discussion has done so. And who knows, perhaps a member will reopen it next Easter.
Canny lass Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 You now bring Australian Easter eggs into the discussion. I’m not sure why. Perhaps you live in Australia? It took me 10 minutes this morning to find Easter products in Australia bearing the word ‘Easter’: Haigh’s Chocolates (makers of high quality confectionary in Australia since 1915) offer: Easter Bilby Anniversary Gift Pack (Text: “includes even two sets of ‘Easter’ Bilby ears”). The Ultimate Haigh’s Easter Selection, (“Text: “including Honeycomb ‘Easter’ Egg”). Milk Chocolate Honeycomb Egg, (“Easter Egg” clearly stated on front of packaging). Dark Chocolate Honeycomb Egg, (“Easte”r Egg” clearly stated on front of packaging). Haigh’s Chocolates also offer a Novelty ‘Easter’ Gift” and an “Easter Family Sharing Selection”. Australia’s reputedly largest online selection of Easter eggs, https://eastereggwarehouse.com.au have on offer from Pitsworth Confectionary (who boast of being “proudly Australian”): Candy Easter eggs 130g (Text: “Sugar Easter eggs”, clearly stated on front of package) Cadbury Hunt Bucket, 187g. (Text: “Happy Easter”, Centre front of Bucket) Cadbury Mixed Egg bag 545g (Text: “filled Easter eggs”, front of package) Cadbury Humpty Dumpty Carton 175g (Text: “7 Easter eggs inside”, front of package) Cadbury Easter Express Train 93g (Text: “Happy Easter Express Train”, front of package) The Easter Egg Warehouse even goes so far as to offer Easter products with ‘Happy Easter’ in other languages than English: Asbach Brandy Filled Eggs without Crust (Text: “Frohe Ostern” clearly stated on front of package) NB Frohe Ostern = Happy Easter (my translation). It seems they also still use the word Easter on Easter products.
Canny lass Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 6 hours ago, moe19 said: I wunda if thou would dare post one of those postas insultin the Christian faith if it was insultin the Muslim faith lad , sum how I doubt it as thy would be cacking thyself waiting for a knock ont door . I’m sorry to have to be the one to break this to you, Moe, but the origins of the word Easter, are clearly described by the North- East’s very own Venerable Bede in his work The Origins of Time (8th century AD). Here he states that: “Eostur-month, which is now interpreted as the paschal month, was formerly named after the goddess Eostre, and has given its name to the festival.” Pilgrim is not insulting the Christian faith. He's just stating a plain fact. Ever wondered why Yule became Christmas? It's strange that the church kept the word Easter, though I believe the Catholoc church abandoned it in favour of Armania's 'Pascha' (meaning Passover). In many countries the tendency has been to adapt the Armenian word. Here we have Påsk, Spain has Pascua, France has Pâques, Iceland has Páska, Italy has Pasqua, Holland has Pasen and even in Swaheli it's called Pasaka.
Canny lass Posted March 10, 2018 Posted March 10, 2018 (edited) Oops! Sorry, Pilgrim. That's four in a row. Not trying to outdo you or anything. I'll leave the next one until tomorrow. Hot bath and a creme egg sounds just up my street. Should they be indulged in any particular order? Edited March 10, 2018 by Canny lass
moe19 Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 I wundard who lang it would be afore big gob annie would be alang ta defend her little playmate marrow, the pair of ya just like a snake wi two heeds spiting and hissing at everyone on the board who doesint meet with thy aproval . Mevies we sould all stop posting and just let ye and Gormless Hector force tha opinions doon enerybodys throat and use the board ta tell us all how how we all wrang and kna nowt. The pair of ya are full of wind wata and admiration for yasels , 1
Guest Les Reid Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 2 hours ago, moe19 said: I wundard who lang it would be afore big gob annie would be alang ta defend her little playmate marrow, the pair of ya just like a snake wi two heeds spiting and hissing at everyone on the board who doesint meet with thy aproval . Mevies we sould all stop posting and just let ye and Gormless Hector force tha opinions doon enerybodys throat and use the board ta tell us all how how we all wrang and kna nowt. The pair of ya are full of wind wata and admiration for yasels , Did think this forum was to be a light hearted discussions platform, so I agree with a comment in that certain people (Canny lass) seem to be on a mission of some kind. I was hoping that this would end on a friendly note, but certainly doesn’t look that way, so canny lass go and get a life, as all you seem to do is pick and pick , and let’s face it, we do not need it to be serious , so try and be a little light hearted on these discussions and then I might begin to love your discussions!
pilgrim Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 ? If I am being referred to as hector I am honoured - - a Trojan prince and greatest hero of Troy - 1st born of Priam and Hecuba. I was being 'light' in most of my posts but it appears that any irrebuttable statement of fact (that is facts - not opinions) that don't meet with perceived wisdom is not acceptable. What I do not find acceptable is the regular unfounded xenophobia displayed, which a shame on all who think that way. in the meantime I am off to buy some crème eggs - made in Birmingham by Kraft, an American company. But perhaps all will be made clearer with the official Cadbury story of the crème egg.. https://www.cadburyworld.co.uk/schoolandgroups/~/media/CadburyWorld/en/Files/Pdf/factsheet-easterbrands
Canny lass Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 10 hours ago, moe19 said: wundard who lang it would be afore big gob annie would be alang ta defend her little playmate marrow, the pair of ya just like a snake wi two heeds spiting and hissing at everyone on the board who doesint meet with thy aproval . Mevies we sould all stop posting and just let ye and Gormless Hector force tha opinions doon enerybodys throat and use the board ta tell us all how how we all wrang and kna nowt. The pair of ya are full of wind wata and admiration for yasels , Let me start by translating this for people who don’t speak Geordie. Not all our readers were brought up in the North East – or even the UK. Translation: (bracketed text for information only) I wondered how long it would be before big mouth Annie would be along to defend her little playmate friend, the pair of you are just like a snake with two heads spitting and hissing at everyone on the board (forum) who doesn’t meet with your approval. Perhaps we should all stop posting and just let you and stupid Hector (Here: meaning Pilgrim) force your opinions down everyone’s throat and use the board (forum) to tell us how we all are wrong and know nothing. The two of you are full of wind (meaning flatulence), water (meaning urine) and self-admiration. End of translation. I, big mouth Annie, did not come along to defend anybody. If, by “little playmate marrow” you were referring to Pilgrim then I have to say that he doesn’t appear to be in need of any defense. He’s doing an admirable job on his own. I, big mouth Annie, came along to stop someone else making a fool of themselves and showing their ignorance of the Christian faith. Further, I, big mouth Annie, have yet to meet anybody on this forum who does not meet with my approval. There are those who don’t agree with me and those who do. I’m a firm believer in the individual’s right to free speech and approve of all who use it – some better than others. I, big mouth Annie,have no desire to “force” anything “down anyone’s throat. That is practically impossible on this site for two reasons: 1) we are all equipped with eyes with which to read but no-one forces us to use them. 2) We all have access to a facility which allows us to “mark site read” (top right of screen). If you are reading my posts then you are doing so, not because you are forced to do so but because you have chosen to do so. As long as you, or anybody else, have anything to contribute to a discussion then you should absolutely not stop posting. Forums such as this are there for exchange of opinions, knowledge and even pleasantries. It costs nothing to be civil to fellow members. I, big mouth Annie, admit to being full of wind and water. We are all full of wind and water! Only difference between me and a couple of others here, is that my wind and water passes out into the world via my backside and my bladder while others let it flow from their mouth (gob, if you understand that better). 2 1
moe19 Posted March 12, 2018 Posted March 12, 2018 (edited) I love me love, you love me too love, I love me love me love Wee was it sang that song again . I aint heard it in years until ta day Ehhhh an I used ta luv that song by the Smiths Big Gob Strikes Again, Me an wor lass often have a bit jig around ta wa owld records like, . . . Edited March 12, 2018 by moe19
Canny lass Posted March 12, 2018 Posted March 12, 2018 (edited) 20 hours ago, Les Reid said: Did think this forum was to be a light hearted discussions platform, so I agree with a comment in that certain people (Canny lass) seem to be on a mission of some kind. I was hoping that this would end on a friendly note, but certainly doesn’t look that way, so canny lass go and get a life, as all you seem to do is pick and pick , and let’s face it, we do not need it to be serious , so try and be a little light hearted on these discussions and then I might begin to love your discussions! What is it with you lesmes/LesReid? (Why would anybody need two accounts?) You appear to be very agitated. I understand that you feel you’re in a corner with no way out – so would I, if I’d been silly enough to start such a controversial topic and then discover that I’d bitten off more than I could chew. It’s you lesmes/LesReid, and nobody else, who’s put himself in that corner. It’s you, and nobody else, who started this discussion topic. It’s you who haven’t offered any evidence to support your own theory on the missing word (link to the Australian 'report' still hasn't arrived) and it’s you who hasn’t offered any opposition to my theory that the word isn’t missing. Consequently, it’s also you who who’s now left standing with egg on your face – and just in time for Easter. So you thought this forum was to be a light hearted discussion platform, did you? Had you bothered to do your research (read one or two topics) then you would have seen that all manner of topics are discussed here – some light hearted, some serious and some which drift in and out of both – all with input by people who have a viewpoint to share. Certainly, the discussion can get a bit heated at times but those who don’t like the heat don’t come into the kitchen and they certainly don’t have the stupidity to put a great big pan on the stove when they don’t have anything to put in it. You tell me to “be a little light hearted on these discussions”. Xenophobia is nothing to be light hearted about. People, that’s human beings like you and I, suffer because of it and we very much need to “be serious about it”. Whether you like or loathe my input is of no interest to me. You are not obliged to read it. You say you were “hoping this would end on a friendly note”. Let me just point out that it’s not me who’s resorted to name-calling. It’s not me who’s telling people to “get a life”. It’s not me who’s accusing anyone of ‘picking’. I have, despite some sweeping statements, lack of argument and now open displays of hostility from you, endeavoured to maintain a state of decorum befitting this forum. It is, after all, Bedlington’s face to the outside world and to the future generations who read it. I think it’s sad when attempts are made to disfigure it. Edited March 12, 2018 by Canny lass 2
Canny lass Posted March 12, 2018 Posted March 12, 2018 Thank you to everybody for their e-mails regarding the need for two accounts. I can't answer you all today, but I'll get round to it, and I think I've got the picture now. Who would have thought that that such things went on on social media! I'm shocked and clearly I'm also very naive regarding social media habits. 1
Spuggy Posted March 13, 2018 Posted March 13, 2018 Mary Had A Little Lamb Hello Canny Lass! I also read your posts, and you haven't posted anything that warrants any apologies. They are informative, inquisitive, enlightening, down to earth, well structured. They sometimes reveal facts that may be too... intricate and too... complex for some to comprehend. One 'Brilliant' post of late had me go off at such a tangent. That I had to clean my monitor. Your adaptation of a nursery rhyme that was first published by the Boston publishing firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon, as a poem by Sarah Josepha Hale on May 24, 1830. It had me coughing and spluttering with laughter, well done, well said, well posted. It wasn't the poem, it was more the context in the post! Keep Posting, You always think what you say & Say what you think! Not too many capable of doing that. Spuggy! PS. Did you ever frequent the Rendezvous Cafe in Castle Square, Morpeth? 1
Canny lass Posted March 13, 2018 Posted March 13, 2018 Thank you, Spuggy. I do try and Mary's little, white, fluffy lamb with three legs is a good assistant when all else fails. Nursery Rhymes appeal to everybody.
Andy Millne Posted March 13, 2018 Posted March 13, 2018 On the issue of two accounts. There are technical reasons why two accounts can be created without the user being fully aware of it. If a member creates an account using a regular registration process by manually entering name and email address etc. on the registration form then this will create one account. If they then later use one of the social sign in links (Sign in with Facebook, Google etc) then the site will try and identify an existing manual registration by linking the email address used for the initial registration with their social account. If there is no existing account using that email address then a new account will be created. It doesn't appear that there was any attempt to intentionally mislead people with two accounts nor am I suggesting anyone was implying such, I just thought I would clarify the situation.
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