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Why thankyou Mr(s) Blank !

As most of you know, i'm kinda new at this moderating carry on. I'm trying to be as fair as i can, but i still seem to be stepping on peoples toes. The main reason for this is most of you on here are friends, and things that i would consider to be slanderous, seems to be normal banter for you lot, so i've made a decision...

Anything WAY over the top (ie your a !*!@# ) will be unaproved until i get a chance to speak to the person its directed at. other stuff (ie, your a tool) will be left until a complaint has been made. to make a complaint/request, please click the arrow next to my name in the top left of this post and select 'send a PM'.

I hope by taking this action the flow of this forum returns to a pleasurable state and we dont look so much like 'litttle hitlers'!

I personally dont mind being called a 'tool' etc, but referances to me sucking things will be deleted.

well done mr darn bet you had to pull a few strings to get that!

hope you don't get an itchy delete finger! :lol:

honestly though well done!



Had to look that one up!

Main Entry: sy·co·phant audio.gif

Pronunciation: -f&nt also -"fant

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin sycophanta slanderer, swindler, from Greek sykophantEs slanderer, from sykon fig + phainein to show -- more at FANCY

: a servile self-seeking flatterer

Why thankyou Mr(s) Blank !

as for the moderating being fair... thats what the PM function is there for, just let either 3G or 4G know if you think something is unfair, that is if you think we are too unaproachable.

My personal opinion is this tho: if you do have a problem with me, talk to me via PM first, if you get no joy, PM another mod...still no joy, then maybe a topic is due. i think some of the topics relating to the moderation on here could do with being kept indoors before being made public, but thats just my opinion !

Just a query Mr Darn, why has the (whats happening in Bedlington) thread been closed.

Just a query Mr Darn, why has the (whats happening in Bedlington) thread been closed.

i have no idea pete, perhaps it was getting a bit to big, at your request, i can reopen it? let me know!

I personally dont mind being called a 'tool' etc, but referances to me sucking things will be deleted.

:lol::lol::lol: tool :lol::lol::lol:

i have no idea pete, perhaps it was getting a bit to big, at your request, i can reopen it? let me know!

No your probably right it was getting a bit overgrown, thanks anyway.

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