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West Lea Cemetery.....update:

Malcolm Robinson

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Happy to pay the necessary earlier this year to turn the old dilapidated building at West Lea Cemetery into a suitable base for the Friends of West Lea Cemetery.
Instead of making their Xmas wreaths in their respective kitchens and having pine needles and holly all over their houses to pick up they can now use this.
It took well over a year to sort out with the legals themselves taking for ever, but it been worth all the time and effort put into it.
Anyone visiting the cemetery and the lasses are there just say “Hi”, I’m sure they will be pleased to chat and I know anyone wanting to join them in their quest to make this cemetery the very best it can be will be very warmly welcomed.
And a big round of thanks for all the help off NCC cemetery staff!








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@Malcolm Robinson - as there aren't a lot of Bedlington residents use this group I posted a bit of your comment plus a couple of the photos on the Bygone Bedlington FB group and 94 members in the past 8hrs like what's been done :- 

FB posting.png

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The responses to the posting on the Bygone Bedlington group = 

  • So no longer used by the grave diggers ?
    • Author
      John Edwards - as far as I know it's now just a base for the 'Friends of West Lea Cemetery' :-https://www.bedlington.co.uk/.../9346-west-lea.../...
      West Lea Cemetery.....update:
      West Lea Cemetery.....update:
      West Lea Cemetery.....update:
      • used to pester the lives out of the poor blokes working there when we were kids 😂
      • John Edwards no I run the friends of westlea cemetery group its now in our name. It's taken 20 months to secure and then apply for funding to turn it into a usable space we made wreaths from it this year and sold them , profits off almost 1300 we will be putting into the cemetery this coming year.. we will be based there from now on .not in my kitchen haha ... and help maintain, litter pick, cut back undergrowth extra all year as well as hoping to make mothers day Easter things to carry on funding further projects we have a Facebook page the friends of westlea cemetery group
        May be an image of hearth and indoor
         the old bench and fireplace is still there
        No photo description available.
  • Great we popped in to chat to the the lady who was making the wreaths remember this building very well glad it’s now in use well done everyone
  • That's awesome 👏 Because it was an eye sore thanks to all the friends at the cemetery 🪦 for keeping the cemetery tidy and it’s only right they have got somewhere to go and have a place to get together with a cuppa
  • Is that the grave diggers hut
  • Kay Jeffrey
    Mick Hedley show mam this… we were there last week x
  • So sad to see the cemetery in such a state, my dad was sextant there many years ago, he took pride in keeping the law ed grave areas neat and tidy, flower boarders down the driveway, enhanced the beauty of the resting place for those laid to rest there… 
    See more
    • Jennifer Ward
      James Mole thats why we set up the group so we can start to get the cemetery looking nice again. We are glad to have more volunteers as our group is very small at the moment. The more helpers we get the better xx
      • Jennifer Ward HI, you and your fellow volunteer's are to be commended, surely the local authority must take some responsibility for the upkeep of the Cemetery.
      • James Mole unfortunately it is an ongoing battle to get anything done x
  • My parking space when I visit the cemetry
  • That’s great x
  • Brilliant job 👍
  • That's good
  • I went a while ago and couldn't get the wheelchair though the long grass
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