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Doctor Pit and Rows

Info on the Durham Mining Museum site is :-

                  First shaft was sunk 14th July 1854

                  Colliery opened in 1855

                  Colliery closed 2nd March 1968  

  • Album created by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)
  • Updated
  • 52 images
  • 1 album comment
  • 125 image comments

52 images

1 Album Comment

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


As far as I can gather the first colliery houses for the miners was Old Colliery Row that was situated at the East End. Old Colliery row is on earlier maps than the following 1920 map but this is the first map that I can find that has the row named. 

1920 Colliery Row.jpg

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