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The Neuk in the market place



just out of shot at the front of the car is Baccis,Peter and Fred the 2 brothers ran the little cafe for years used to go in there as soon as I got any pocket money,change it into "tanners" and play the famous "machine" brilliant



Did Bacci have an upstairs room, maybe for snooker? I can vaguely remember looking out of the window at a juicy pear tree. We probably climbed the back wall and nicked those pears at a later date! :D 



can't ever remember an upstairs just a few tables by the counter and a sixpenny fruit machine then at the back of the shop the machine where you had to get 3,4 or five numbers in a line and if you got 20 points Peter or Fred would give you 10 bob,happy days



I remember the pinball machine. 




ha ha yeah that's right,I was kicking around there between 1972 and about 1980 how about you mate



In the 60's for me, around the time Jimmy Millne's shop had the snack bar down one side. 



oh yeah I can just about remember that did it get taken over by the big department store when it opened?



I think the Co-op were the next to take over. Shame it's closed now, that was a great shop. 



yep you're right,got my first bike from there,you could get anything from a bike to a bed or a lawnmower if you like,brilliant.



Gone are the days when most folk could buy a bike, a bed, or a lawnmower in Bedlington. Happy days. 

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)



7 hours ago, webtrekker said:

Did Bacci have an upstairs room, maybe for snooker? I can vaguely remember looking out of the window at a juicy pear tree. We probably climbed the back wall and nicked those pears at a later date! :D 

Posted 14 Feb 2012 · by Symptoms in the topic 'Talk of the Town> Bedlington Top Club'

I was only in Bacci's billiard hall (I'm sure it was known as that and not a snooker hall) a couple of times as I probably wasn't 'old' enough to be a regular. I do remember that the place had a certain cache for being where the 'faces' or the tough lads hung out and was always being warned by my old man to stay clear. Wasn't the billiard hall upstairs via a rickety staircase??? Didn't he have another cafe at the Station - on the corner just along from the level-crossing; we used to go in there to play the pin-ball machines.



Eggy, are you not thinking of Moscardini's, where the Monsoon is now?



..A bit late catching up on this one,but you are right Webtrekkker..it was Moscardini's.

Their Son,Aldo,[I think that was his name],had the biggest funeral Bedlington had ever seen,after he was killed in his sports car..sadly..just a young James Dean type..not many sports cars in Bedlington in those days..!



The Bower family lived in the terrace behind Bacci's...truly aroond in the Nyeuk...they had the two lorries,and ran the coal delivery business for years.Raffi had the red lorry,and Jimmy had the green one. Jimmy lived opposite my family in Hollymount Square when it was first built.

The shop frontage to the left,below the bay window,was Jimmy Nicholson's electrical and tv repair shop.This pic was taken a while after the Dr Pit had been closed,the Ford Granada should give an approximate date of around 1968-ish,I would think,give or take a year or so..

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Jayson Lowery


Bower was my grandad , I was a kid and lived near the yard 

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On 29/05/2019 at 00:58, HIGH PIT WILMA said:

The Bower family lived in the terrace behind Bacci's...truly aroond in the Nyeuk...they had the two lorries,and ran the coal delivery business for years.Raffi had the red lorry,and Jimmy had the green one. Jimmy lived opposite my family in Hollymount Square when it was first built.

The shop frontage to the left,below the bay window,was Jimmy Nicholson's electrical and tv repair shop.This pic was taken a while after the Dr Pit had been closed,the Ford Granada should give an approximate date of around 1968-ish,I would think,give or take a year or so..

Bowers Garage is visible in this photo of The Neuk. For those of us who lived at the "bottom end" (Hollymount, Millfield) and worked at the Doctor Pit, the quickest route to work was through The Neuk and into the railway siding of the pit, located just behind Bowers Garage.

In mining terminology, each end of a longwall face was known as a "neuk," meaning a dead end. Similarly, if you entered The Neuk from the marketplace, you would find no through road—hence the name The Neuk.


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I remember the shop in market place very well. Jimmy Milne's. As mentioned you had so much choice. I used to visit the cafe on the right hand side and have tea and soup. The young lass I went out with at the time worked in the office there. Really nice lass and She eventually went and joined the police force. I imagine She would have done very well as an  intelligent lass and could write in short hand which would have been helpful. It is rather sad all these places closed but it is the same all over. Time stands still for no one. Thanks for the memories. Regards. Jim

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