Knew Evan very well and his knowledge of the area was an inspiration to me. He said to me that he was pleased with what i had achieved and that this area needed people like me to continue his work. There is no doubt in my mind that Evan was a knowledgeable gentleman and contributed greatly to the heritage of this area. He is sadly missed, but i will do my best to help the people of this area. The group i am involved in is also a good source of information and do their best to research the area and assist people in their quest for information. We have a huge amount of archive material to look up if needed to help people out. Photographs and archive footage too. My own private collection is so huge and is being cataloged for easier access in case anyone requests anything so it can be found quicker. Just let me know or the group by contacting our website at.our website or just simply get in touch here and i can see what can be done as i aim to be a regular user of this fantastic forum. Once again tho. Evan is a big miss, as we were always in touch with each other, but i am sure his legacy will live on for generations to come. RIP Evan.