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  1. OUTSTANDING MERCURYG Absolutely correct. They have played the captain of the Titanic in variuos films & TV films. Good one Merc. By the way, everyone, sorry for the delay in posting this - the reason is I'VE GOT A JOB. I applied for the job at 9am - got a phone call at 10am - informal interview at 11am followed by offer of said job. Hopefully all will go okay with the paperwork, etc. So that is why the delay. Now Merc', I'm sure you are on tenderhooks about your prize. Take some valium and prepare for the experience of a lifetime. I have procured for you a place with Chipperfields circus as their new lion tamer. The former lion tamer had a digestive problem - actually it was the lion's digestive system that he was having trouble with, him being inside it....anyway. The circus will supply you with a whip and a chair and a year's supply of clean underwear. (That's if you last the year.) The perks of the job are sticking your head in the lion's mouth twice a day - three times at the weekend, stroking it's chin, preferably from the outside. The downside is you will have to clean out its litter tray once a day. Now I'm not saying pussykins is big, but they use a skip for it's litter tray. You can start as soon as the autopsy is over on the former lion tamer. Good on ya mate. I can hear you weeping with joy from here. Until my next batch of mystifying mugshots. Adios amigos.
    1 point
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