As I see it, it's all about long term planning. Bedlington is never going to be a hub of industry. Would we really want that? However, it's got great potential as a commuter Town. Let's make it attractive enogh to make people want to live there or at least spend their liesure time (and Money) there. OK, if all that's said is true then the infrastructure , at the minute, is possibly not the best but it can be worked on. Once you've got sufficient people living there things like bus services and schools tend to follow in their Wake. It may even become attractive, and viable, for Investors such as Tesco. The real investment, however, is in the following generations of Bedlingtonians and that's where Projects such as Bedlington in Bloom are doing such a great job. Anything we ex-pats can do Malcolm? Seeds? fund a flower bed?, Adopt a tree? Plant a shrub? Buy a terrier bench? Get your thinking caps on guys!!