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  1. If the majority of Voters, outside of Ashington, are fed up with the goings on,of the last 5 years, why not try a MINERS "Daughter" for the next 5 years.
    3 points
  2. We are pretty used to the usual BBC "audience selection" process, and the internet is full of reports about how people were grilled about their views (and told what they could and could not say) before they were allowed into the Question Time audience. But... last night's election debate had to be one of the most desperate attempts by the BBC to sway public opinion in its history. There are even reports of the BBC paying people's hotel bills out of our licence fees so they could draw on people of suitable views. Both ITV and Sky can have proven they can stage a pretty free debate, but it seems that this is quite beyond the overpaid executives at the BBC. Apart from audience selection bias the BBC have been ordered not to use "the worm" by the House of Lords, who took compelling academic evidence that it's a very powerful tool to warp people's freely held beliefs. Yet, the BBC have ignored this and continue to use it in combination with their careful audience selection. The excuses for this are risible; they run along the lines of we hear what you say, but we know better about providing viewer satisfaction, and it's really just experimental anyway. Maybe you don't feel as strongly about BBC Bias as I do, but the petition site contains many other reasons why we shouldn't be compelled to shell out our hard earned cash to a near state monopoly, and you'll surely find other reasons you can enthusiastically support. Please sign the petition. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
    1 point
  3. The petition is about scrapping the licence fee folks. It's NOT about scrapping the BBC, or about the BBC taking advertising. It would actually be more instructive if you'd read the reasoning on the actual petition and say exactly what you disagreed with. Those who currently get a free licence could well change their minds once Labour or the Tories scrap the concession. Like the winter heating allowance it's low hanging fruit for the next round of cuts. In case its escaped your attention none of LIbLabCon has ruled this out. In fact Labour is probably best placed to do the deed, as they have less to worry about from "the grey lobby". Remember prescription charges? And, regarding the BBC bias: yes, people have always complained, but those complaints have always come from across the political spectrum. That's certainly not what is happening now; the BBC is now near totally colonised by ex-Guardinistas who see it as their purpose in life no longer to inform but to filter and indoctrinate. That's pretty much why Paxo and others quit. The attitude to things like "climate change" is telling; it's now no longer necessary to represent a spectrum of views, because the BBC has decided that debate is not "socially useful". But, it's far more sinister than harmless lefties driving the agenda: it has become the mouthpiece of the forthcoming European superstate. That should be of concern to any thinking person, and to anyone that values their liberty! Do not fool yourselves that this is the BBC we once knew. However patronising and class-ridden that was, that BBC was near transparent in what it did. Like other things in this world it's now trading on a long established brand label that doesn't truly represent the contents of the tin, and hoping that not too many people notice.
    1 point
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