But... you tell me you don't like links Tony! It's worth reading that Spectator article though. No propaganda there - just the truth about how the ruling elites operate. How long before even you realise that Miliband is almost interchangeable with Cameron and Clegg? Sure, he'll do a few token daft things like tinker with (but not actually end) non-dom status. Thus proving his credentials to his paymasters, and so go on to damage our economy a bit more in the process. But, he's a career politico simply out for number one, exactly like like "things can only get better" Blair. The ruling elites can do their thing because deluded people like you let them. They pull your strings, and you oblige by giving them your vote for the dumbest of reasons! Nothing really changes, because at core you are comfortable with your delusions. You are provided with a scapegoats by someone else - someone who happily does your thinking for you, and that's all you need. This is equally true if you are a tribal Tory, or (that dying breed) a tribal Liberal "Democrat"!