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  1. Seriously,Jim,a had the greatest affection for aal yor family,and was deeply saddened to hear of the loss of your Mam,Dad,and Sister. A only found out when they were long passed away,and didn't get ti pay me last respects to each of them. Once we moved ti West Terrace at Stakeford,in 1970,you would think it was me who had moved ti the other side of the world.... Even noo,a only see me family noo and again in either hospital,or Doctor's surgery waiting rooms,that's the place to meet up wi aad friends also!....we're aal at that age!! A canna wait ti see Wor Youngun' mind,ti tell him a got a line aboot a millionairre! Aam looking forward ti many a gud crack Jim,ti catch up wi ye,but reet noo,Little Black Jess is biting me leg fo' waakies!! That reminds me,aal of a sudden...it's just hit me like a stone....!!...Jess![ is that name familiar wi YE, or aam a really gaan senile,and getting muxed ip?!!] Cheers Jim! Bill.
    1 point
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