Scorpio, the plans are here:
I've posted here my comments from the Bygone Bedlington FB page (which has been a fun hotbed of controversy these past couple of days) and would like tro explain the opening as I believe it is more fitting here than over there. I firmly believe - and did before I even viewed the proposals - that we, that's the people of the town, were not being 'consulted' at all, but were being given the choice of two designs, one of which was far more preferable than the other. I am now convinced I am right. I also believed I would be seeing five proposals, and would be given a chance to comment on each; while all five are there, three are presented only in one page format, with the proviso that they have already been rejected. Comment on this and you are fed excuses left, right and centre, but not - I must add - from the people who should be explaining, rather others who - rather oddly - seem to be toeing the party line. However, that's enough of that, this is about the potential regeneration of a part of the town that is, quite frankly, all but dead and buried, so my comment was:
"So, having been to see the proposals, a few points: I'll leave aside the political machinations, in that this is not a consultation but a presentation. Overall, while neither proposal is perfect - and nor could any be so - one, the Leslie Jones, wins hands down. It is as sympathetic to the nature of the town as it can be, and attractively presented, I'm at odds with the many dissenters who are disappointed with the proposals; in general, this is due to the presence of housing. It's a mixed use site, housing is part of it, and what's more, the inclusion of one and two bed, smaller properties is in my view a good thing. If we are to encourage the younger generations to live in the town, we have to give them something they can afford. I liked the layout and combination of the retail and commercial elements, and the regeneration of derelict and unloved parts of the site. In fact, I don't know how anyone can not be positive about it. I took a walk around the site afterwards - avoiding the shows as I could - and can't see why anybody would prefer what is there now to what should be an attractive mix of new retail outlets, pleasant housing units and commercial properties, as well as a new supermarket. I look forward to seeing it come to life. Get behind it people, at last something is happening for the good."