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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/03/16 in all areas

  1. Old days Old ways Love stays
    1 point
  2. This is what the Huffington Post said a few days ago: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/03/europe-terrorism-chart-isis For those of you who are not familiar with ‘Statista’ I suggest you google it. It’s said to be one of the most reliable sources of data in the world. The chart which they provide in this article speaks for itself. Terrorism is far less of a problem now than when the IRA was using “measured violence to create political pressure”. 3g, you say I’m deluded for comparing the terrorism of the IRA to that of IS. Deluded? Moi? It’s not me who firmly believes that 22 000, possibly dead, individuals are going to force Islam on 7½ billion people and it’s certainly not me who unshakably believes that a handful of women are about to outbreed the entire population of the UK.
    1 point
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