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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/16 in all areas

  1. Why do people need to have more than one stupid cat. They kill birds and shit all over. Dig up your plants veg etc, people go on about culling foxes they need to start culling them rat bastards instead.
    1 point
  2. Nah its ok white people dont count where the new minority. It's the master race in reverse and we're to soft to do anything about it. there's now a muslim in charge of London what's next muslim pm, muslim king. There doing there best to oust the native population.
    1 point
  3. Of course the table is misleading; Osborne has pledged a £9 "living wage" simply in order to trump Labour's £8. £9 = €11.50 And you can't seriously be asking that question when you've lived in France - especially Hollande's France! The chances of anyone - without family contacts - landing any job here in Southern Europe are totally nil, and if you work for "the family" any legal minimum wage is a cruel joke. Notice that Italy, the continental EU's third largest economy (on paper), doesn't even feature in that table. Those aren't the only factors of course, language is a big pull too. Something else the IN'ers don't want to discuss is that virtually all those Muslims in Germany don't speak German and have no intention of learning German, but they do speak really good English. When Merkel gives them their EU citizenship guess where they will be headed? Ditto the Turks.
    1 point
  4. How are you supposed know that the cat is going to be stupid when you get it? What are the odds at the next one also being stupid ? I don't think we should start getting rid of "stupid" ....
    1 point
  5. Makes no difference them in power will just twist the results to suit them. The referendum is goverments way to appease the masses. Anyway england will soon be known as englanstan part of the united muslim nations.
    1 point
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