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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/16 in all areas

  1. Just an update: Archibald Jones, my big lad, took another chunk out of the Rat Bastard population today. Thought Monsta might appreciate that.
    2 points
  2. Yes, even stopped clocks get it precisely right twice a day! Slapped down: David Cameron faces hostility in TV interrogation Best laugh I've had all week. Sample: So, now we know: Turkey's joining the EU in year 3000 is only an "ambition". When it actually bribes its way in - as Dave is ever burrowing hard to facilitate - in eighteen months time, it won't be (another) Dodgy Dave broken promise, it will simply be a cruelly dashed ambition.
    2 points
  3. Subject reopened, for me. Postal vote arrived and landed flat, heads up, Kardean flooring, installed by Michael Metcalf contractors. Post Immediately opened; vote/cross placed on the ballot paper; ballot paper folded and inserted into envelope A and envelope A sealed; postal voting statement completed with my date of birth and signature; completed postal voting statement and envelope A, with ballot paper inside, slipped comfortably into envelope B and envelope B sealed. Passed envelope B to wife, to post along with hers. J. P. Morgan staff feel more secure. Final closure (and not an 'i', immediately, before 'e' in this posting)
    1 point
  4. You can practically see the brain working there. Before every single phrase he's thinking how are these next few words going to affect my place in history. Like Cameron - yesterday's man!
    1 point
  5. Being dominated by two parties has left us with a malfunctioning democracy and widespread public disillusionment.in politics and politicians, I think we are crying out for a new political party in the UK, not one made up of luvies or tree hungers but one of people who live in the real world and who would put the UK and its people first. I suppose I will have to keep on dreaming .
    1 point
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