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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/16 in all areas

  1. The mechanics of this election are falling apart, I will be amazed if the result is not challenged when it is announced. Thousands of EU nationals have been sent voting cards and the registration to vote process has been extended (this is expected to require emergency legislation) after thousands of people were prevented from registering by the original deadline of midnight on Tuesday when a Government website MYSTERIOUSLY crashed. The whole thing is starting to resemble some third world corrupt banana republic sham election
    3 points
  2. "The PM wants you to know that IF... nod, nod, wink, you know what I mean marm?. And... about that cabinet reshuffle on 24th June... which of the filthy Brexit supporters jobs could you see yourself filling? But, maybe it's time you were considering that Euro non-job - elections are so disrupting to one's lifestyle - and of course the generous benefits aren't subject to the appalling public scrutiny MPs now have to endure."
    2 points
  3. Best quote I have seen in a long time was about Harambe the gorilla who was shot. If he was shot because he might have hurt that young lad then why are paedophiles walking around? Same goes for this dog!
    2 points
  4. Former defence secretary Sir John Nott has suspended his Tory party membership until Cameron is removed: I think we all know what his diplomatic "borders on dishonesty" is code for!
    2 points
  5. Couldn't find any evidence of a Brick Row. Could probably come up with a Stephen Fry type 'dubious theory' on Paradise Row, Stone Row, Back Stone Row & Sea View based on how things changed within the publications of the 1897 - 1922 - 1937 & 1959 maps but it's facts we need. No facts iro the buildings come with this, but have you seen this c1930 photo (from one of Evan Martins books) of the Furnace Bridge area that in the background shows the Bebside rows you are looking into?
    1 point
  6. The REAL "surprises"come after the referendum: the EU budget with an unfunded twenty billion black-hole in it; the mega bill from Brussels for the UK to fund Merkel's migrant crisis; Junker's EU Army being waved through; Turkey being fast-tracked through EU admission (the deal has already been done); the regionalisation of Europe to obliterate national boundaries; the amnesia about Dodgy Dave's no-treaty-change deal; the UK being sucked into propping up the Euro; the universal EU tax system; the implementation of the EU UBI funded by the British tax payer (wow, think on the migrant draw there!); the legalised theft from British bank accounts (already law!); TTIP; and of course the rapid expansion of EUROGENDFOR to crush any public opposition to any of this, and more, happening. Meanwhile... the compliant media will get the public all in a tizz about unjustified EU directives on the power of British electric kettles! Suddenly, the benefit of not having to change your money when you go on holiday - which was what deceptively bought many a young-and-naive vote (like mine) in 1975 - seems a little quaint!
    1 point
  7. I see a lot of airtime is being given to those two non-entitie's Major and Bliar. Who the hell is interested in their opinions?
    1 point
  8. I don't even understand why all the media hype before the referendum. If you're clued up, then you know which way you are going to vote. If you're not clued up, then you either need to find out all the facts for yourself, or carry on as you were, completely oblivious to the whole process. There's absolutely no need for all this drivel spouted by people 'in the know.' No one cares. This latest farce, where Woollaston has suddenly changed sides, is simply another desperate attempt to sway opinion.
    1 point
  9. I realise feelings are running high concerning the dog 'attacks' in the Blyth park, but I cannot, in all honesty, condone the killing of this dog by the police. An offer was made to home the 14 month old dog by a sanctuary, but sadly Marley was never granted this opportunity. Take a look at the poor dog on page 4 of the News Post Leader. Tragic. As I get older I find all life is precious, from misunderstood animals, down to the bottom of the pond, yes, even politicians. My thoughts go out to the poor kids who suffered nasty bites, but I don't think killing the dog was the solution. Kill the owner, by all means.
    1 point
  10. Also, Ms Morgan? Hmm... that reminds me of a little ditty we used to sing in the schoolyard many, many years ago, to the tune of 'Oh My Darling, Clementine' - 'Fanny Morgan, plays the organ, And she plays it very canny. She's got a sister, with a blister, In the middle of her ...' (Repeat: ad infinitum!).
    1 point
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