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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/16 in all areas

  1. Business chiefs and celebrities backing the Remain campaign have been awarded CBEs and knighthoods. This becomes more corrupt by the day, I dread to think what they have in store for the final few days of this so called campaign. I don't care if the figure on the side of the bus is wrong, I don't care if Boris has hair like shredded wheat,I I don't care what ex pats living in Benidorm want. I don't care what the Luvvies think or give a jot about MPs who change sides. I JUST WANT TO LIVE IN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY AND HAVE A CHANCE TO VOTE FOR WHO RUNS IT I JUST WANT OUT
    2 points
  2. Ahoy train spotters; The legendary Flying Scotsman is passing through Bedlington today at a scheduled 1.44pm, stopping at Morpeth for a drink! Good opportunity for photo's. I'll probably be at the Swan!
    1 point
  3. Back to square one, Eggy. I've just discovered that Bebside Furnace and Bebside Colliery were part of the Cowpen enumeration district until they changed to the Bebside district some time prior to the 1911 census! I've found them now. However, within the Cowpen district, Bebside Furnace lies in 3 different registration districts. This is a bit like doing a jig-saw puzzle without the picture on the box lid and just to make it a bit more 'challenging' the pieces aren't all in the same room let alone on the same table! Shame on those who give up easily! I'll report back in another week or so but until then be assured that my theory on Paradise and Wood Row was totally wrong but still holds strong for Brick Row. Still haven't found Purvis Row!
    1 point
  4. I was disgusted by the way Boris was attacked by Nicola Sturgeon, Angela Eagle and Amber Rudd on what was supposed to be a debate last night on TV. the coven wasted the whole so called debate by making personal attacks on Boris. Later on the Bias Broadcasting Corporations question time luvvie Eddie Izzard was attacking Nigel Farage. its the first time I have ever heard a question time audience shouting shut up to the panel. The behaviour of these folk are doing more for the leave campaign than for dodgy Daves quest that they claim to back . Democracy does not exist in the eyes of the stay campaign, all who wish to vote leave are treated as morons . or attacked for daring to have a different choice. If Boris had behaved and spoken to the three women the way they spoke to him they would be screaming he was sexist and all the papers would have it on the front page calling for his resignation, The choice boxes on the ballot papers should be a choice between: Dictatorship / Democracy.
    1 point
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