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  1. No, I just can't be bothered; you'll go on believing that there are no refugees, that all muslims are terrorists, that Europe is about to splinter, that the UK can somehow become a successful economic power, and that the pound is recovering (still 76p) as long as the Guardian and Observer and whoever (let's face it, you must read the Mail, to believe all the refugees are young men) tells you, so there's no point. You talk about open minds; you'd do well to invest in one. I'm bored with you.
    1 point
  2. No scientific explanations offered on the existence of these flies. Looks like it could be down to HPW to see if he made notes and studies of the flies that lived off the gallawa droppings; miners droppings; cheese & jam sarnies and crawled up your nose for fun. Tried a Google of - 'pit men underground flies' - 'shit flies in coal mines' but for once nothing returned that resulted in a cry of eureka! Were flies tolerated so there was no need to bring canaries into the pit to prove one could breath, and smell, underground? Plenty water in the mines so no need for the intake of urinated refreshment. Symptoms - have you done some research?
    1 point
  3. So are you saying that everyone, apart from yourself, is either a) not allowed an opinion b ) not allowed free speech c) Labour party members who are parents must not say anything to our children, grandchildren etc. etc. in case they turn out to be political activists e) only Labour indoctrinates children f) me mam wasn't entitled to a point of view and g)g)g) the only time a man and woman can have simultaneous orgasms is when the judge signs the divorce papers (pinched from Woody Allen). And this guy, me, fit or not, wont be making any further replies on this topic.
    1 point
  4. "You said, quite clearly, there were no more than a handful of refugees. Yes? You did, didn't you?" --- And, your source of this deliberate misquote is....? [Note: you probably need to consult cohort CL for help here, because she's spent hours scrutinising my past posts.] "I couldn't care less about their religion, or race" --- So, because of this newly-assumed attitude, none of the straightforward questions I've put to you on the subject need to be answered? OK, fine; I will keep them in abeyance until you start to care again. "My role in the local bar is one of friendship" --- I'd like to hear that from said alleged friends, because I suspect you employ the same bluff, bluster, and awkward-question avoidance tactics there too.
    1 point
  5. Twist an obvious typo and then imply that it was spin! How clever! Have you thanked CL for the up vote here? She's has no answers either, but is still rooting for you. I think she deserves a better champion. "Bananas for all?" Your contempt for the electorate is only matched by your paucity of thought. With this in mind, have you considered standing for Labour; they are getting pretty desperate these days. You'll probably make the shadow cabinet in a fortnight.
    1 point
  6. Since long before we had a formal code for organising such protests. http://content.met.police.uk/Article/Organising-a-protest-march-or-static-demonstration/1400002380711/1400002380711 Point me to an Islamic country that has a code for organised dissent with the ruling cliques please? When you are a guest in a foreign country you are particular sensitive to the doings of miscreants of your own nationality. Well, at least you are unless you tacitly support them! Here I'm going to quote that hotbed of right-wing extremism The Guardian: Not something we are going to "uproot" if - like you - we are in total denial that such ideology even exists! What Makes Islam So Different? Despite your constantly running down your own country I don't see the need to cast doubt on your origins.
    1 point
  7. I don't see any "Of course"; I see an everything is black or white left-winger who's pet theories are being overtaken by events, and who is floundering. Can you point out these "elements of Christianity" that are worrying, or is this another of your bald statements that falls to a simple straightforward question? The old canard is to take a paragraph from The Old Testament and compare it to the Quran. This precludes the fact that Christians regard the Old Testament as a quaint historical record that must be interpreted in a modern context. On the other hand the Quran is a manual for life that is violently beyond criticism. The Quran specifically and repeatedly exhorts Muslims to go out and slaughter infidels. It is the evil life-manual of an utterly evil belief set, and to compare it to any other religion is an ignorant slander. "anything other than refugees" Sheer delusion! The overwhelming majority of the people flooding into Europe are simple economic migrants. Refugees have a desire to go home when their home situation is resolved; these young males have no intention of going back where they came from at any point in their futures. More bald unsubstantiated statements! I see hundreds of these people with my own two eyes, and get to talk to a random selection. Generally their English is far better than the natives here, and they are keen to illustrate this. Of course I can't admit to your superior viewpoint of observing them from over my pint at Weatherspoons, but we'll all have to live with that. At no time have I said "that there are no refugees", so your worry is ill founded. I am placed to observe what you are not, and as I've said I have yet to meet one of these alleged refugees. Every one I've talked to is simply seeking a better life - ergo, they are undoubtedly economic migrants. And you've once again evaded the direct question: There are eight points of the compass for refugees, and Arab countries like to be known for their hospitality. Please explain why the compass for your alleged refugees only points North West? Please explain why they are pretty much all young males? Bullets, bombs and missiles don't discriminate in the way you'd like to suggest! Actually, you are doing your very best to illustrate that you don't think deeply or rationally. You can't reason far enough to separate an inherited belief-set from the basic humanity of a human being. Every one of the economic migrants I meet is only doing what any of us would do: seek a better life. But, a significant proportion of them come with a cultural payload that is entirely incompatible with 21st century Western culture. That cultural payload trashed their own countries, and is set to trash ours. The other consideration is that the sheer scale of this economic migration is beyond anything we can reasonably absorb without significantly depressing our own living standards. The refusal of the left to acknowledge both these factors is a folly now being exposed in Germany. Germany has an excuse - their massive post-war national guilt complex - but our own left have no such excuse. "They are people, something you might want to consider" I assure you that you have no monopoly on basic humanity, and that I've met many more of them and determined that they are indeed "people" than you have. This is no more than the usual left wing tactic of claiming moral superiority on entirely fatuous grounds. "(after all, you're the one who, when referring to Muslims, ten to use "they"; I wonder why?)" I'm sure CL will be able to more ably help your musings about English grammar here. You're now floundering! You haven't directly quoted what I said because you'd then need to include the words "Not too far I hope, for the sake of the UK economy." Willing your own country to fail is despicable and traitorous in my book. The overwhelming evidence is that all the dire "expert" predictions were wrong. Those "experts" now admit this (yes, even the IMF) but not you, and you imply that I don't live in the real world! It seems that everyone is "massively wrong" but yourself, and you've recently compared me to a saloon bar loudmouth! Here, I'm left wondering about your own role in the local bar.
    1 point
  8. I have met loads of immigrants as they get their first foot on European soil; I have yet to meet a single one who any rational person would class as a refugee. There are eight points of the compass for refugees, and Arab countries like to be known for their hospitality. Please explain why the compass for your alleged refugees only points North West? Please explain why they are pretty much all young males? Bullets, bombs and missiles don't discriminate in the way you'd like to suggest! Once again - because the distinction seems to be very hard for you - my problem is with Islam, and it's a problem we all share if we are honest. Ask yourself what Brits would do if the atrocities that are now being perpetrated were being associated with them. We'd be out on the streets to the last person showing our disgust and demonstrating solidarity with our hosts. Where are the Islamic protest marches, or at least those that aren't organised by ex-muslims? I will refrain from characterising you, and I don't frequent UK bars. Here you are attempting left-wing labelling (a substitute for thought) once again! If you have an open mind then google on ex-muslim and read what ex-muslims have to say about Islam. You'll find plenty if things to support your wooly-minded ideas of fraternity, but at the end of the day any rational person will need to admit that Islam is an evil belief-set that no free country should tolerate. How many more times do I need to say that the pound is just fine where it is? It's the only visible affect of the Brexit vote for you to point to; all other indications have totally confounded economist group-think, and the honest ones have already admitted this. Even here predictions were for a 20% fall in Sterling, and the last time I looked it was a modest 8.3%.
    1 point
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