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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/08/16 in all areas

  1. Hi folks! Just ti let yi aal knaa a hevn't forgotten me promise a med above,aboot Baits and .......fleas....etc! Aam hevving a rough check just noo domestically....i.e.,me Wife's health etc,but wa gettin theor! Keep ahaud! P.S. .....mebbe it wud be a gud idea if a start a new topic on that subject,cos a dae gaan on a bit!
    1 point
  2. It's the quayside Vic, the Tall ships are in for four days and then leave tomorrow and will race to Gothenburgh, unfortunately I cannot show you any pics of the ships as they are way down my list of interests so didn't bother to take any. There's a couple in the background here.
    1 point
  3. Went to see the Tall Ships in Blyth today and got fixed up with a date for Friday, I've got the one on the right so if anyone fancies the one on the left she's looking for someone with plenty money !
    1 point
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