As of today there is a new residents group in Bedlington. The Burnside Estate Residents Group was formed and will include the residents of Moorland Cottages and Thomas Holliday Homes. The constitution was presented to the meeting and adopted. The turn out could have been better, but those residents who were there contributed positively and enthusiastically. We are receiving support from Bernicia, East Bedlington Parish Council, Northumbria Police and Wansbeck CVS. The reputation that Burnside has had over the last decade or two has not been the best, to say the least. Things have improved significantly over the last 12 months or so and it is our intention to build on that and make it an estate that people wont be ashamed to admit to living on. There are many good people living on this estate and they have had to suffer the stigma of living on Burnside because of the way a certain few chose to lead their lives by disrepecting their neighbours and environment and, in doing so, tarring everyone on the estate with the same brush, things can only change for the better. BURNSIDE ESTATE RESIDENTS GROUP (neighbours pulling together) This post has been promoted to an article