Pure chance HPW - I was searching this site for some old stuff, noticed your posting on the group and remembered I had seen something on Facebook. On the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group the guy that runs it, John Krzyzanowski, often posts newspaper cuttings and this was one of them, along with one of The Statesmen. I remember The Statesman, and Robin Haddaway, from Bedlington YMCA. I was the kid conned into being 'The Lighting Engineer' at the first gig the Statesmen did - think it was a youth club at the Top End.
That involved sitting on the stage, under a table draped with an old curtain, and flicking the one switch, in harmony with the beat of course, operating the four coloured light bulbs, fixed to one plank of wood, that was the extent of their lighting system!
By peeping under the curtain II did manage to get myself a female lighting engineer groupie from the vast 20+ audience (20+ might be an exaggeration!)