I spent a lot of my youth hanging around Hollymount square with the likes of Les Chivers,Bob Tweedy,Micky Mole a few lasses as well,Kim Haig and her mate Christine,Les and Bob lived in the 2 houses to the left of the cut leading to the park,Bob with his grandad,also called Bob,a proper gent you'd see walking his blue whippet (Betty).We used the kerbs and gates as goals for football and the lines on the roads for tennis nets,not a gameboy or nintendo in sight,In later life I knocked around with Jim Mullarky who built his own house at the other entrance to the square behind Clousons shop,which belonged to his Mam,you probably new his dad, Jim,who I used to talk to about his work down the pit that left him on oxygen tanks in his latter life,a proper diamond he was,ring any bells HPW