As far as I am concerned there is an 'End of' for this election. For decades, this thinking man, has thought and I am now at the stage = earned a pension = retired = receiving my pension = spending my pension = relaxing = letting the next generations think and make decisions based on multiple, so called experts, different opinions.
If they are all experts how do they have different opinions? Surely ALL experts should come to the same conclusion and have the same opinion. Then the non expert, the 'common man' can believe what he is being told and his decision will be made simple by the expertise, and honesty, of the expert.
I know there will be more elections, more votes and more decisions will be made and each of those will have an 'End of' = make a decision and go for it = End of.
What I can't stand is the rabbiting on, and on, and on. Day after day endless analysis from the TV reporters asking politicians questions that the reporters know the politician can't commit to an answer as they them selves don't know the answer until other decisions and events occur.
You can digest and analyse every political party manifesto but in the end the majority of voters, who will never understand politics or politicians, will vote for either a) what their parents voted for or b ) the one they think has more personality than the rest.
The minority of voters = self employed business people will vote for what they believe will benefit them and their business.
That's it = End Of = no more on this election from me.
Now I know that you will Labour over my words and your Conservative response will be Green with envy that a mere half Scottish and common man can make a Democratic decision based on the Liberal thoughts of Co-operative experts has Plaid right into your hands.
I'm singing and dancing in the rain - Doobe Do Do, Doobe Doobe Do Do, what a glorious feeling I' happy again, just singing and dancing, in the remain.
End Of