When I was young scientific method meant that all theories were always up for discussion, and that if something came along which better fitted the data the previous theory could be consigned to history - principally, everything was always up for discussion. History, however, seems to have stopped. At least it has at the Biased BBC! In other words: in a slack moment we let through something which admitted to a non-alarmist viewpoint, and that simply won't do! So, we will censor it under the spurious and pathetic excuse of lack of impartiality. This is truly Orwellian! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06418l5 Well Biased BBC, your lame excuse just about describes 50% of your output these days! So carry on censoring stuff that doesn't conform with your PC group-think, then we can have a bumper edition of the What's the point of...? entitled: What's the point of a publicly funded broadcasting organisation that has lost all perspective, and is controlled by an arrogant liberal-leftie elite! But, somehow, I don't think that program will even get to the commissioning stage.