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  1. I see that a double cable has been placed on three locations on Victoria Terrace. I believe these are for measuring vehicle speed as well as for measuring the volume of traffic. The results can be used as justification for lowering the speed limit or installing a speed camera so it may be that the petition for road humps will receive attention. Unfortunately a little too late for the family of Bethany however the efforts of hemsted85 and others should be commended.
    3 points
  2. Today is World Alzheimer's Day and perhaps we should give a thought to those that are suffering or are having to deal with Alzheimer's and Dementia. It is difficult for many of us to understand how to deal with such issues as nobody has ever prepared us for the changes facing our loved ones. Some of the things we take for granted when communicating with friends and family may not be the best way to approach those that have dementia. The below link advises on 7 things that we should not say to somebody with dementia. https://blog.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-insight/language-dementia-what-not-to-say/?utm_campaign=September+2017+Newsletter&utm_source=emailCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=
    1 point
  3. If only I had just said - yes, the bricked area is there to be used. Instead I wondered, is there info in the highway code or anywhere else that a simple Google search will reveal? Oh to be a Technical author! I believe the simple explanation is something like :- a single lane road that requires a roundabout to allow access to and from the road may require an additional lane, only on the roundabout, that allows large vehicles additional space (another lane) to turn on and off the single lane road. But if you really want to impress your fellow Friday night ale tasters with a full explanation of the Geometric Design of Roundabouts then read the 51 pages in this documnet :- http://www.standardsforhighways.co.uk/ha/standards/dmrb/vol6/section2/td1607.pdf
    1 point
  4. An interesting facet on where this whole internationalist bag of tricks originated: Farewell to the man who invented 'climate change' ...just in case anyone had any doubts that it's all about social engineering, and has b-all to do with science! He's been hiding up in China since 2005, lest his masterful plan should start to unravel; it's simply working so well at the moment!
    1 point
  5. When I was young scientific method meant that all theories were always up for discussion, and that if something came along which better fitted the data the previous theory could be consigned to history - principally, everything was always up for discussion. History, however, seems to have stopped. At least it has at the Biased BBC! In other words: in a slack moment we let through something which admitted to a non-alarmist viewpoint, and that simply won't do! So, we will censor it under the spurious and pathetic excuse of lack of impartiality. This is truly Orwellian! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06418l5 Well Biased BBC, your lame excuse just about describes 50% of your output these days! So carry on censoring stuff that doesn't conform with your PC group-think, then we can have a bumper edition of the What's the point of...? entitled: What's the point of a publicly funded broadcasting organisation that has lost all perspective, and is controlled by an arrogant liberal-leftie elite! But, somehow, I don't think that program will even get to the commissioning stage.
    1 point
  6. Haha! Here's the COP-21 logo ... And here's the Comedy Central logo ...
    1 point
  7. Alarmists might like to consider this too, though I doubt they will ... If all the world's leading nations stick to the carbon-reduction commitments they will make in Paris this week, then they will stave off "global warming†by the end of this century by 0.170 degrees C. Oh – and that's the optimistic scenario, calculated by Bjorn Lomborg, assuming that countries like, say, China don't lie or cheat about how much CO2 they're burning secretly. His more pessimistic – ie more realistic – scenario is that the best we can hope for is a reduction in global warming by the end of the century of 0.048 degrees C. This temperature reduction – five hundredths of one degree – is so small as to be almost immeasurable. But if you want to know what it feels like, Willis Eschenbach has done the calculations. It's the equivalent of walking five metres higher up a mountain. Or, if you prefer, climbing two flights of stairs. And there you have it: the lunacy of the Paris climate conference in one sentence: $1.5 trillion every year till the end of the century to effect the equivalent of walking to your bedroom.
    1 point
  8. That's a terrible lie for schools to tell kids.mercuryg. Our special friend and ally, Mr. George Dubya Bush, knew how crap the education system was though when he said, "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" Actually, from what I've been able to find out, the polar bears are doing very well thank you. Their population has increased 500% over the last 50 years.
    1 point
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