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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/10/17 in all areas

  1. So... the result is no longer "advisory" and to be ignored in typical anti-democratic EU fashion? Ah, well, at least we've made some progress there! It's easy to see why you - as an inveterate socialist - have a problem with the word "my". It's a declaration of belonging and duty (particularly duty to past and future generations), not an expression of property rights. Guess what's happened here since the sub-saharan invasion got really industralised? Yes, crime has shot up and the loony lefties are making all sorts of excuses for what's obvious to ordinary thinking people. We help illegals on an individual basis because they are all human (and thankfully MOST of them are Christian at the moment), but it's got to stop. It's a matter of numbers, and socialists simply can't count (hello Diane!). Their even more delusory assertion that Islam is benign is very dangerous denial of reality. The socialist that has caused most of Europe's current problems - our dear Frau Merkel - has now admitted that multiculturalism doesn't work, and was a mistake. Unfortunately we've still not heard these words from the dysfunctional UK Labour Party, that quietly imposed it on our own country. I leave the matter of whether you regularly attempt to diminish and deride your own country up to others to judge.
    2 points
  2. That's probably the most sensible thing I've heard on the subject of Brexit.
    1 point
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