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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/11/17 in all areas

  1. So... "Black Friday" is almost gone, and despite looking and looking I've resisted all temptation. Perhaps temptation is too strong a word, because I've hardly been interested in anything on offer let alone persuaded to reach for my credit card. Have I finally reached maturity at this ripe old age? Is it just that BF isn't what it originally was? Have I already got too many gismos/books/videos? Is this a first step down the path to taking up holy orders even? Or - as I strongly suspect - am I not alone in shunning yet another, and increasingly dreary, consumer fest? Oh, hang on: before attempting an answer to any of these profound questions I must break off for a few minutes to do another quick search for bargain Chromebooks.
    1 point
  2. Oh I hope not! We love you just the way you are!
    1 point
  3. This year, due to a 33% increase in overseas postage, the cost of posting a Christmas card is now approx £2.45. That price increase will put our postage bill at a little under £250. Now, I may have an unusually long Christmas card list due to having friends all over the world (a side-effect of the careers we both chose). I may also think it's nice to receive a card and I may like to think that my cards are received with the same sentiments. However, I also like to think that I'm loved and thought about at times other than Christmas, without the need for a card which expresses that sentiment and I hope my friends think likewise. Given the state of the world today with wars, natural disasters and widespread hunger, we think that this postage money can be put to use in better ways. The postal companies are rich enough. For this reason, we have decided to stop sending Christmas cards, at least by post - e-mail is ok - and use half the postage cost to purchase life-saving gifts to give somebody else a bit of Christmas joy. This year we are buying food and warmth (things we take for granted not only at Christmas but all year round) in the form of nut paste to save children all over the world from malnutrition and some hats and gloves to keep Syrian children warm. We are urging as many of our friends as possible to do likewise so, as I think of all of you as my friends, I'm asking you to consider joining me in this venture. You can find life-saving gifts to suit every pocket at: http://market.unicef.org.uk/inspired-gifts/ Think twice before lining the pockets of the Royal Mail. There are plenty of children without a coat, let alone a coat with pockets to line!!
    1 point
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