Noo.....!!....aa was tempted ti ask her if Sweeney was any relation,an aal,but she probably wudda thowt a meant him wi the bullnose Jag!!..[too young ti knaa owt aboot THE Sweeney!!!!]
Seriously,a worked with Her Dad a few times at Ashington pit,afore it closed,and they were our neighbours alang at Stakeford,afore a moved away 17 years ago.
Noo Ashington pit closed in 1987,so aav knaan Leanne's parents a lang time,but only found out who she was when a went ti get me hair cut,and found that she was thier Daughter...she wudda been a wee bairn when a lived alang there.
She's a real pleasant lass,gud at her job,and the walls in the shop deserve a visit even if ye dinna get ya hair cut!!
Loads of old historical pics of Bedltn,and the Dr Pit,as weel as ancient haircutting tools etc!!
Noo the time aam on heor,will the Mods please tell me why aa hev a notification that APPROVAL is required before me post can be put up..[in another topic...]?...hev a been a bad lad sumtime?!