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  1. Spot on with me age group,Alan,and it's great ti see aal me aad school friends from the Whitley! Aa lost a lot of schooling up ti that period till a had ti gaan ti Morpeth Cottage Hospital aroond this year ti hae me tonsils and adenoids removed.A have nae recollection of this trip at aal!..it might hae been when was off school...but aa wudn't hae been anyway,me Mother wudn't have been able ti afford ti send me.She couldn't afford most of the yearly group photo's either,so a have very little memorabilia apart from the odd single pic.owa me school life.Thanks ti James for posting it,and ti ye Alan for notifying me!...it leaves me wanting more!! Funnily enough,Eric Campbell worked at Choppington High Pit,as an Apprentice,in the early 1960's,and when the pit closed in 1966 a never saw him again....till a few weeks ago,doon at Cambois beach,we stopped ti taak ti this canny couple,wi LBJ,[Little Black Jess for those who don't know her..],and it was Eric and his Wife,Pat,both of who aa hadn't seen since the 1960's!! Then after aal them years break,we saw them again a few days later at Wansbeck Hospital!!...small world! The first lass a cud think of immediately a saw this pic,at number 13,was Lilian Moore,sadly now deceased..R.I.P. Lilian. Doreen might remember,Vic,she was Lawrence Moore's Sister.[Lol was his nickname,at number 11..]..a cud be wrong but just wat struck me.
    1 point
  2. Aah, aam sorry to hear about Lynn Hayes passing away. We had a class of about 43 pupils, and sadly a lot of them have passed on too soon in life. Lynn and me were good friends.. like Vic's boss was also..a lot of my male classmates are no longer with us. I have lots of vivid memories of the days when time went by slowly. These pics are gold dust to me! R. I. P Lynn.
    0 points
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