Hi Alan! Gud ti hae wa aan topic for Bates..a knaa it's a Bedltn forum,but tha wus a lot o' Bedlington lads went ti Bates from the Aad Pit in Bedders.[Mining ex-pats?!...so ti speak!].
Definately John Tinmouth far right,a was in charge of him and he's marra's when a was a Deputy,then when a came back into the N.U.M.,in 1978,a worked alang him on Composite/Development work...that was driving new roadways,and winning oot new coal faces.
John was famous in the Angling world for catching a 29-pounder Cod fish,off the steps at the Dun Cow jetty in Blyth,many many years ago,and was sick ti death of folk asking him aboot it for years after!!
The lad third from the left,a knew very well,but time has erased his name from me memory...if a get a prompt from sumbody,it'll cum back ti me![same wi the lad ? Rose,just canna get names ti fit!]..a knew aal four ,but Bates was a big pit..it cud be owa a year before me and me Brother,and Faatha,wud be in the syem shifts,ti see each other at thi pit!