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  1. I've had the same concerns, we keep in touch regularly and I sent him a message on facebook four days ago, he usually responds within a couple of hours. He still hasn't replied. @Canny lass
    2 points
  2. Answers to last Friday's quiz: 1. Rawhide 2. A bird 3. British Thermal Unit 4. Mark Phillips 5. Chartwell 6. David 7. Polio 8. Jules verne 9. John Curry 10. Disraeli 11. Empire Day 12. Geometry New quiz tomorrow.
    1 point
  3. Has anybody heard from Eggy? He's usually a very frequent and welcome contrubutor but hasn't been around for quite a while. Last visit he mentioned having difficulties getting out of bed. I've tried e-mailing but there's no reply. Same thing with Pete. Please let us know that you are safe and well.
    1 point
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