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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/21 in all areas

  1. 1. Mince pies 2. Reuter 3. 1.8 milliseconds 4. USA 5. 4'6" 6. Polar bear, bearded seal, walrus, and moose, 7. Shake hands (right handed) 8. As a possible Hermaphrodite who knows? 9. Over 70 items are listed! 10. Redheads 11. Proto-Germanic 12. India 13. “Thou shalt "NOT" commit adultery”? Book of Exodus 14. Which language could “would” King George 1 not speak? English 15. False, was preserved in a cask of brandy, or rum, 16. Carl Diem, the chief organizer of the Berlin Games 17. Robert Devereux, the second Earl of Essex 18. 17.5 miles 19. Ohio 20. Vomited
    1 point
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